138 examples of caballeros in sentences

Santiago de los Caballeros de Guatemala.

POPENOE, DOROTHY H. Santiago de los Caballeros de Guatemala.

Santiago de los Caballeros de Guatemala.

POPENOE, DOROTHY H. Santiago de los Caballeros de Guatemala.

For truly, José's equal has never been seen, and caballeros I have known who would swear that José's riata can stretch to fifty paces and more to find its mark.

In the orchard many caballeros fresh from the rodeo were camped, their waiting-time spent chiefly in talking of the thing they meant to do or hoped to see, while they polished spur-shanks and bridle trimmings.

Peons who had early scrambled to the insecure vantage-point of the nearest stable roof, were hustled off to make room for a group of Salinas caballeros who arrived late.

There will be riding contests, free for all caballeros to enter who so desire, and the prize will be a beautiful silver-trimmed bridle that may be seen at the saddle house.

As Jack coiled his riata and slid off he heard the caballeros yelling praise of José.

At the corrals, red-lidded caballeros cursed irritably the horses they saddled.

In the foreground, on prancing silver-trapped horses, were caballeros and doñas, laughing and coquetting, looking down in triumph upon the dueñas and parents who rode older and milder mustangs and shook brown knotted fingers at heedless youth.

He was dressed as plainly as Castro, and had none of the rich southern beauty of the caballeros.

He lifted his cap and bowed, but not as low as the caballeros who were wont to prostrate themselves before her.

First the carriage, then Alvarado and myself, followed by the sponsors, the Castros, the members of the Departmental Junta and their wives, then the caballeros and the doñas, the old people and the Americans; the populace trudging gayly in the rear, keeping good pace with the riders, who were held in check by a fragment of pulp too young to be jolted.

The brave caballeros and dainty doñas wanted blood.

"Shall I bring thy mantilla, Doña Carmen?" She looked up with a swift blush, then lowered her soft black eyes suddenly before the penetrating gaze of the man who was so different from the caballeros.

I cannot stand those babies," and I indicated with a sweep of my fan the graceful, richly-dressed caballeros whose soft drooping eyes and sensuous mouths were more promising of compliments than conversation.

It is a pretty picture, though," he went on, meditatively,"those women in their gay soft gowns, coquetting demurely with the caballeros.

The men who profess to be her slaves must have absorbed the knowledge that she has the brains they have not, although she conceals her superiority from them admirably: her pride and love of power demand that she shall be La Favorita, although her caballeros must weary her.

"Thou hast been far away from the caballeros and the doñas of Monterey," I said.

" She could no longer refuse, and, passing Estenega with head erect, she bent it slightly to the caballeros and passed to the middle of the room, the other guests retreating to the wall.

The caballeros shouted their appreciation, flinging gold and silver at her feet; never had El Son been given with such variations before.

As the dance went on and she grew more and more like an untamed wood-nymph, even the caballeros became vaguely uneasy, hotly as they admired the beautiful wild thing enchaining their gaze.

As soon as we arrivedwe were a little lateshe was surrounded by caballeros who hardly knew whether to like her or not, but who adhered to the knowledge that she was Chonita Iturbi y Moncada, the most famous beauty of the South. "Dios!

2. Repita V. el diálogo entre los dos caballeros al saludarse.

138 examples of  caballeros  in sentences