5 examples of cabinet's in sentences

And it suddenly dawned upon me that even I did not know the cabinet's destination!

"But, just the same, I wake every morning cold with fear, and run to the 'phone to make sure the cabinet's safe.

III Here is another German estimate of the position created by our War Cabinet's decision to take the offensive in Palestine, and in considering the view of the German Staff and the prospect of success any Turkish attack would have, it must be borne in mind that under the most favourable circumstances the enemy could not have been in position for taking an offensive before the end of October.

And jokes will be cut in the House of Lords, And throats in the County Kerry; And writers of weight will speculate On the Cabinet's design And just what it did in Twenty-eight, It will do in Twenty-nine.

The noble lord, astonished that the Cabinet's decision was already public property, would reply, "As you know so much, there can be no harm in telling the rest"; and the journalist, grinning like a dog, ran off to print the precious morsel in a special edition of the Millbank Gazette.

5 examples of  cabinet's  in sentences