297 examples of cafes in sentences

Cabs and river steamers did a flourishing business, as did all the restaurants and cafes in the suburbs.

The radiance of the cafes was exchanged for darkness; whispering groups of residents broke up hurriedly and locked themselves into their homes, where they put up the shutters and drew in their tricolored Belgian flags.

The people sat in the cafes drinking their evening beer and smoking.

The disgruntled and disappointed Britons have comforted themselves with prophecyhow often have I heard them at it in the cosmopolitan cafes of Constantinople!the burden of their melancholy lay being that some day Turkey would learn who is her real friend.

After the festivities Sabrina and Wilbur disappeared and for the past ten days their favorite cafes and loafing places have known them not.

Many of the 6,000 cafes which are strewn over Paris, grace these boulevards with their glass fronts.

During the summer season, most of the refreshments and meals are served in front of the cafes on the pavements, and grand is the sight of seeing ten thousand gay Parisians seated along these splendid streets, chattering away over their wine and coffee!

In this our time, the transition era, theaters, operas, cafes and the printing press, will play a very important part; the press for the literary public in general, the theaters and operas for the social benefit of the upper class and the cafe for the middle and large class, the class which give shape and character to the predominant methods of social evolution.

In 1874, there were over 6,000 cafes in Paris, doing business to the amount of $24,000,000 annually, or an average income of $4,000 to each establishment!

The waiting girls of these cafes are usually ladies of remarkable beauty and refinement, whose elegant dresses, graceful manners and rare accomplishment in conversation and address, are well in keeping with the charming brilliancy of the hall, and the merryand refined company around them.

These cafes are very orderly houses.

It is a paradise in reality, as its names implies; and during the summer evenings, when its many thousand gas jets blaze in globes of various colors, and the magnificent illuminations of its grand cafes produce a brilliancy of coloured light intense enough to see pins on its walks and flower-beds, the scenes become grand beyond description.

Immense throngs of people gather around the cafes in the evening to see the youths and beauties whirl in the mazy dance, and listen to the bewitching strains of the sweet music there rendered.

Several splendid boulevards lined with fine cafes and large edifices adorned with innumerable balconies, reminded me of Paris and its architectural scenery.

Hotels, stores, shops, cafes, drinking stands, &c., are generally managed by ladies.

Cafes and Bright Lights "There's a diabolical mystery to your San Francisco!"

"Why isn't everyone fat in this city of such excellent cafes?" The Argonauts who came to California in quest of the Golden Fleece were hearty, eaters, and they laid the foundation for a tradition of abundant table fare that has been handed down since the days of the bonanza kings.

In the vicinity of Broadway, Kearny and Columbus avenue, streets that penetrate the heart of the Latin Quarter, and along upper Montgomery street, there are sufficient individual cafes to keep any explorer after atmospheric epicurism busy for many days.

In addition to the hotels, you may dance at innumerable cafes.

The Palais Royal, Marquard's, Tait's-at-the-Beach, the Cliff Housebut where is one to stop when he starts to name the San Francisco cafes that attract dance crowds?

The dash of San Francisco women on the street, as well as in the hotels and cafes, is not a legend.

For one last time he thought of his mother, so intent upon maintaining her prestige and so fearful of hostile gossip; of the demagogues who had thronged the doors of the cafes that morning, making fun of the demonstration in his honor; but all his scruples vanished at sight of the hedge of tall rose-bays and prickly hawthorns and of the two blue pillars supporting a barrier of green wooden bars.

The father felt the satisfaction of a bully in having such a tall, strong, daring and insolent son, a boy who compelled respect in cafes and clubs more with his fists than with the special privileges conferred in small towns by wealth.

Paris salons, cafes, studios.

Paris salons, cafes, studios.

297 examples of  cafes  in sentences