101 examples of cais in sentences

Cais at the head of the Absians, pushing his way into the dwellings, carried off the wives and daughters of his foe.

"Do you intend to sell that horse?" said King Cais to him, "for in that case you have the most eager buyer of all the Arabian tribesmen."

Cais waited until certain persons who were with him had retired, then he at once took horse, and repaired to the tribe of Fazarah, where everybody was taking their morning meal in their tents.

In spite of all that Cais could say, Hadifah remained firm in his resolution, and as his brother began to deride Cais, the latter lost his temper, and with a face blazing with wrath he asked of Hadifah, "What stake did you offer in your wager with my cousin?"

In spite of all that Cais could say, Hadifah remained firm in his resolution, and as his brother began to deride Cais, the latter lost his temper, and with a face blazing with wrath he asked of Hadifah, "What stake did you offer in your wager with my cousin?"

The two tribes, you must know, will be mutually estranged, for King Cais has been there in person; now he is a prince and the son of a prince.

Then he recited some verses, with the following meaning: "In thee, O Hadifah, there is no beauty; and in the purity of Cais there is not a single blot.

Antar was present at this recital, and as he took great interest in all that concerned the king, he said, "Cais, calm your fears, keep your eyes well open, run the race, and have no fear.

Hadifah quickly learned the return of Antar, and knew that the hero was encouraging King Cais to run the race.

Let me go to King Cais, and I will not leave him until he promises to come to you and cancel the contract."

Thereupon Haml took horse, and went immediately to King Cais.

At last he has said: 'Very good, if Cais comes to me, and wishes to be released from the contract, I will annul it; but do not let any Arab think that I abandon the bet through fear of Antar.'

At this address of Haml, Cais became flushed with shame, for he was trusting and generous.

Both you and he are impulsive and passionate, and this is what causes me to feel anxiety about you, Cais.

When the two contestants had mounted their horses King Cais gave this parting instruction to his groom: "Do not let the reins hang too loosely in managing Dahir; if you see him flag, stand up in your stirrups, and press his flanks gently with your legs.

Are words so scarce that you are obliged to use exactly those of Cais?

As for Cais, he was also filled with mute rage and intense hatred.

Take warning from what happened to the slave Dames; he struck Dahir, the horse of King Cais, and God punished him at once; he is left bathed in his slavish blood.

By the faith of an Arab, I will let all men of honor know that if Cais refuse to send the camels I will not leave one of his tents standing."

" Hadifah dissembled his contempt for these verses and the sheik who had pronounced them, but he ordered his son to go at once to Cais.

Abou-Firacah returned to his father, to whom he told all that the wife of Cais had said "What, you coward," shouted Hadifah, "do you come back without completing your errand?

" On hearing these words Cais felt the light change to darkness before his eyes.

Cais, on the other hand, after slaying Abou-Firacah, expected that the Fazareans would come and attack himself and his warriors; he therefore prepared for battle.

"Son of Zoheir," he cried to Cais, "it is a base action to slay a child; but it is good to meet in battle, to decide with these lances which shall predominate, you or me."

" The sheiks talked together for a long time, and meanwhile the flame of passion which had been kindled in the soul of the two heroes, Cais and Hadifah, became quenched.

101 examples of  cais  in sentences