120 examples of cajoling in sentences

Mercy is the requiring of obedience to law; it is not a cajoling training in law-defiance, which shall one day break the mother's heart and upset the social relations of the world.

"It will be easy to cajole the old lady," she said.

Although he was regarded as possessing a rather dull intellect, and as being, partly for that reason, a "safe" man for the presidential office, Napoleon soon proved his capacity for intrigue and for cajoling the people.

Another crafty baron, John Fitz-Gilbert, held the castle of Marlborough; and Robert Fitz-Herbert, having an anxious desire to be lord of that castle also, endeavoring to cajole Fitz-Gilbert into the admission of his followers, went there as a guest, but was detained as a prisoner.

When Di had gone upstairs, Ina said to Lulu in a manner of cajoling confidence: "Sister" she rarely called her that, "why did you and Di have the black bag?"

'Yes,' he continued in a cajoling tone, 'I guessed at once that you were from police headquarters.

But apparently it told how Admetus, King of Pherae in Thessaly, received from Apollo a special privilege which the God had obtained, in true Satyric style, by making the Three Fates drunk and cajoling them.

Stealing, coercing, cajoling, defrauding, it spread from its plague-center in Wall St., leaving misery, class antagonism and resentment in its trial.

There was a bare chance that I might get passage in her, for the paper referred to her as a former passenger boat, and I was sure I could cajole the company into selling me a berth, or bribe the captain into signing me as a member of the crew, with no duties to perform, a common practice.

They were beginning to learn the power of combination, and gave but little heed to the cajoling words, "We are your best friends.

Jean, having secured the money to pay for a seat by hook or by crook, by some bit of trickery or falsehood, by cajoling his aunt or by a surreptitious raid on the cash-box, would watch from an orchestra stall the startling metamorphoses of the woman he loved.

He would try cajoling and temptation.

Finally after much cajoling and arm twisting, Ashley relented and allowed Pamela to take the kick.

At first, doubtless, he must flatter and cajole, and perhaps yield in some things; but he did not doubt of ultimate triumph.

It is quite true that a thresher is likely to be innocent of any adroit arithmetical cheating, but he is not the less likely to carry home his master's corn in his shoes and pocket; a reaper is not given to writing begging letters, but he is quite capable of cajoling the dairy-maid into filling his small-beer bottle with ale.

hobnob with my armed enemies, and cajoling that red lecher Robert Stewart?"

It pleased her to please Rowcliffe, but it pleased her also that he should realise her as a woman who could cajole men into doing for her what they didn't want to do.

With much persuading and cajoling the majority of these negroes went to their cabins that night and the most skeptical stayed in my kitchen all the rest of the night.

Trippet He was trying to cajole me with his sweet talk and passionate gesturesbut

But the offer of the gentle pony did not succeed in cajoling Jack any more than the proposition to embrace Mr. Harris.

The call was peculiarly low and cajoling.

Besides thou dost not know the man, he may be a second father to thee and cajole and pamper thy whims.

Already, as soon as he reached the Mohave valley, he had written one cajoling letter to his uncle.

When you think it conquered and well-broken to harness, submissive and resigned to your will, behold it is as obstinate as a mule,balks, kicks, snorts, puffs, blows, or, what is worse, refuses to kick, snort, puff, and blow, but stands in stubborn silence, an obdurate beast which no amount of coaxing, cajoling, cranking will start.

Tristram in an ordinary case when his deep feelings were not concerned would have known how to display a thousand little tricks for the allurement of a woman, would have known exactly how to cajole her, to give her a flower, and hesitate when he spoke her nameand a number of useful

120 examples of  cajoling  in sentences