9 examples of calabozo in sentences

Meanwhile, on that same day, to change the scene of the campaign two hundred and ten leagues, 'a distance,' as Humboldt says, 'equal to that between Vesuvius and Paris,' 'the inhabitants, not only of Caraccas, but of Calabozo, situate in the midst of the Llanos, over a space of four thousand square leagues, were terrified by a subterranean noise, which resembled frequent discharges of the loudest cannon.

It was accompanied by no shock: and, what is very remarkable, was as loud on the coast as at eighty leagues' distance inland; and at Caraccas, as well as at Calabozo, preparations were made to put the place in defence against an enemy who seemed to be advancing with heavy artillery.'

Al fin se apaciguó el tumulto, y decidióse volver á un calabozo la maravillosa armadura.

aplicaba el oido á los intersticios de la ferrada puerta de su calabozo; ni un rumor se percibía.

no pasaba de un cuentode cerrar las puertas tras , penetré en el calabozo.

calabozo, m., dungeon, cell.

The track of these ruffians, to Calabozo, was every where marked with the blood of the aged and the defenceless.

There was the cathedral, and standing beside it, like Sancho beside Don Quixote, the squat hall of the Cabildo with the calabozo in the rear.

now I remember, now I understand *caída* f. fall *caja* f. drum; *echar con s destempladas* send away angrily *calabaza* f. pumpkin, squash; *dar s* jilt, reject *calabozo* m. cell,

9 examples of  calabozo  in sentences