25 examples of calculable in sentences

Words are not llke iron and wood, coal and water, invariable in their properties, calculable in their effects.

It was now for me to consider whether I would keep the two witnesses, Ormond and Murray, for a year, or perhaps longer, at my own expense, and run the hazard of the death of the officers in the interim, and of other calculable events.

" Now, from the beginnings of conscious life, man has found himself surrounded and besieged by un-calculable phenomena.

A perfect society would need no such engines at all, but a perfect society implies perfect individuals, and I think we are now persuaded that a society of this nature is a purely academic proposition both now and in the calculable future.

Adj. numeral, numerical; arithmetical, analytic, algebraic, statistical, numerable, computable, calculable; commensurable, commensurate; incommensurable, incommensurate, innumerable, unfathomable, infinite.

Manufacturers no longer produce for a small known market, the fluctuations of which are slight, and easily calculable.

Another weapon in the hands of unskilled combination, less calculable in its effectiveness, is the force of public opinion aided by "picketing," and the other machinery of persuasion or coercion used to prevent the effective competition of "free" labour.

The presence of close detailed circumstance, some local, concrete want to be supplied, some distinct tangible grievance to be redressed, some calculable immediate economy to be effected, such are the only conscious motives which push him forward along the path we have described.

But Free Trade, which leaves us open to the less calculable and controllable element of foreign competition, and the fact that the earlier stages of concentration of capital are not yet completed here in most trades, have hitherto retarded the growth of the successful Trust in England.

But this is empty speculation: there is no warrant for saying what Spike would have been and known so as to have made a calculable political element, if he had not been educated by having to manage his trade.

Now on the Church doctrine, the original miracle provides for the future recurrence to the ordinary and calculable laws of the human understanding and moral sense; instead of leaving every man a judge of his own gifts, and of his right to act publicly on that judgment.

Every foot of soil is with us worked up: nearly every movement of the social machine is calculable.

The agreeablebecause of the non-calculable differences in our sensuous inclinations, which are in part conditioned by bodily statespossesses no universality whatever, the good possesses an objective, and the beautiful a subjective universality.

Everything that is is the ordered and calculable result of environment.

Not calculable by algebra, not deducible by logic, but mysterious, effectual, mighty as the hidden process by which the tiny seed is quickened, and bursts forth into tall stem and broad leaf, and glowing tasselled flower.

What is the nature and power of that science-baffling star, without parallax, without calculable elements, which shoots a ray of beauty even into trivial and impure actions, if the least mark of independence appear?

And, observe, all these superiorities are matters plainly measurable and calculable, not in any wise to be referred to estimate of sensation.

Of these alternatives, poisoning is much more exact, more calculable in its effect and more under control.

It must therefore be a benefit to the community, if this element of unavoidable chance cannot be reduced as a whole, at least to regularize it and make it exactly calculable for any individual.

Constant efforts are made by insurance companies to guard against these "moral risks," the least calculable of any.

Viewed in this way it is true that there are various indirect benefits in strikes that are not easily calculable, particularly the advances of wages made by employers to avoid strikes which they know will otherwise occur.

Amongst it was a novel and hardly calculable element, the Labour Members.

It was now for me to consider, whether I would keep the two witnesses, Ormond and Murray, for a year, or perhaps longer, at my own expense, and run the hazard of the death of the officers in the interim, and of other calculable events.

No, from the unexpected, or to be expected, inevitable, visible, calculable, uninterrupted increase of weakness, which none need fail to observe.

Of course, what he ought to receive in any of the other cases is easily (not by me, but by experts) calculable.

25 examples of  calculable  in sentences