8 examples of caldas in sentences

Under the name of Caldas in one of his innumerable disguises, he had wooed her for many months.

Facing them, he told them how a friend of his named Caldas had fallen in love with a girl, and how that girl had been won from him by a man who cared nothing for her.

"Caldas determined to revenge himself in his own way.

you, Prosper, the man; while Caldas is...." With a quick gesture he removed his wig and whiskers, and the true Lecoq appeared. "Caldas!" cried Nina.

you, Prosper, the man; while Caldas is...." With a quick gesture he removed his wig and whiskers, and the true Lecoq appeared. "Caldas!" cried Nina.

"No, not Caldas, not Verduret, but Lecoq, the detective.

"Caldas," she cried, "have you not punished me enough?

Caldas...." Prosper went from the office alone.

8 examples of  caldas  in sentences