33 examples of calisthenics in sentences

Being by that time cold enough for breakfast, and willing to try the virtues of some soothing application to his right eye, which, from a bruise just below it, was nearly closed, the badly banged young man suspended his murderous calisthenics at the door of a rustic hotel, and there entered to secure a wayside meal.

gymnastics, calisthenics; physical drill, physical education; sloyd^.

To this lady the Countess entrusted the education of her granddaughters' minds, while for their physical training she provided another teacher in the person of a clever little Parisian dancing mistress, who had set up at the West-End of London as a teacher of dancing and calisthenics, and had utterly failed to find pupils enough to pay her rent and keep her modest pot-au-feu going.

It would be unpardonable, in this connection, not to speak a good word for the hobby of the day,Dr. Lewis, and his system of gymnastics, or, more properly, of calisthenics.

[Footnote AS: The females are regularly taught calisthenics, and the boys gymnastics, by a professor.]

Invalids go in for calisthenics; for invalids (alone of all human beings) desire strength.

I have not observed that maidens in real life indulge in these calisthenics.

Lorenz Pub. Co. (PWH); 22Oct56; R179290. CLARKE, HERBERT L. Setting up drills or calisthenic exercises for the cornet, trumpet and baritone, also excellent for clarinet.

Setting up drills or calisthenic exercises for the cornet, trumpet and baritone.

SEE Clarke, Herbert L. CLARKE, RALPH H. Setting up drills or calisthenic exercises for the cornet, trumpet and baritone.

Lorenz Pub. Co. (PWH); 22Oct56; R179290. CLARKE, HERBERT L. Setting up drills or calisthenic exercises for the cornet, trumpet and baritone, also excellent for clarinet.

Setting up drills or calisthenic exercises for the cornet, trumpet and baritone.

SEE Clarke, Herbert L. CLARKE, RALPH H. Setting up drills or calisthenic exercises for the cornet, trumpet and baritone.

CLARKE, HERBERT L. Clarke's setting up drills; calisthenic exercises for the cornet, trumpet or baritone.

I purpose, in fact, to go through a course of calisthenics.

Yet bread-making in well-ventilated kitchens and sweeping in open-windowed rooms are calisthenics so bracing that one grudges them to the Irish maidens, whose round and comely arms betray so much less need of their tonic influence than the shrunken muscles exhibited so freely by our short-sleeved belles.

Miss Beecher glowingly describes a Russian female seminary in which nine hundred girls of the noblest families were being trained by Ling's system of calisthenics, and her informant declared that she never beheld such an array of girlish health and beauty.

The tendency is almost always to dare too much; and there is also need of a daily moderation in commencing exercises; for the wise pupil will always prefer to supple his muscles by mild exercises and calisthenics, before proceeding to harsher performances on the bars and ladders.

The main body of the book is devoted to the subject of calisthenics, and especially to Ling's system; all this is valuable for its novelty, although we cannot imagine how a system so tediously elaborate and so little interesting can ever be made very useful for American pupils.

Miss Beecher has an excellent essay on calisthenics, with very useful figures, at the end of her "Physiology."

They were put through gymnastics and calisthenics when, as a rule, they were barefooted and wore no clothes but their undershirts and trousers.

One thing, however, I think, is equally certain, and that is, that I need never expect much sympathy; and perhaps this special endowment will make me, to some degree, independent of it; but I have no doubt that to follow me through half a day with any species of lively participation in my feelings would be a severe breathless moral calisthenic to most of my friends,what Shakspeare calls 'sweating labour.'

This was the real key to her facility in languages, history, music, drawing, and calisthenics, as her professor called female gymnastics.

He would never let me wear a corset, and for years he made me do calisthenics under a master.

" "Calisthenics?"

33 examples of  calisthenics  in sentences