13 examples of callet in sentences

Hoc bene qui callet, (si quis tamen hoc bene callet,) Scribe vel invito sapientem hunc Socrate solum.

Hoc bene qui callet, (si quis tamen hoc bene callet,) Scribe vel invito sapientem hunc Socrate solum.

" "Non possidentem multa vocaveris Recte beatum; rectius occupat Nomen beati, qui deorum Muneribus sapienter uti, Duramque callet pauperiem pati, Pejusque laetho flagitium timet.

Qui rebus se exercet, verba negligit, et qui callet artem dicendi, nullam disciplinam habet recognitam.

'Non possidentem multa vocaveris Rectè beatum: rectiùs occupat Nomen beati, qui Deorum Muneribus sapienter uti, Duramque callet Pauperiem pati, Pejusque Letho flagitium timet.' Hor.

CALLET, a fille publique.

Ben Jonson, in his Magnetick Lady, speaks of "wearing the callet, the politic hood.

A beggar in his drink Could not have laid such terms upon his callet.

They assembled in great numbers, set at their head a certain peasant named William Karle [or Cale, or Callet], of more intelligence than the rest, and marching by companies under their own flag, roamed over the country, slaying and massacring all the nobles they met, even their own lords.

In Beauvaisis, the King of Navarre, after having made a show of treating with their chieftain, William Karle or Callet, got possession of him, and had him beheaded, wearing a trivet of red-hot iron, says one of the chroniclers, by way of crown.

'Non possidentem multa vocaveris Rectè beatum: rectiùs occupat Nomen beati, qui Deorum Muneribus sapienter uti, Duramque callet Pauperiem pati, Pejusque Letho flagitium timet.' Hor.

Addison. 'Non possidentem multa vocaveris Rectè Beatum, recliùs occupat Nomen Beati, qui Deorum Muneribus sapienter uti Duramque callet pauperiem pati.' Hor.

Wednesday, November 3, 1714. 'Qui Deorum Muneribus sapienter uti, Duramque callet pauperiem pati, Pejusque letho flagitium timet: Non ille pro caris amicis Aut patriâ timidus perire.' Hor.

13 examples of  callet  in sentences