7551 examples of calm in sentences

Calm acquiescence he could understand,serene endurance: he himself never chafed at the barriers, little or great, which kept him from Mercy.

There was no going back for him to the calm routine of the old life before she came.

"I never face disagreeable possibilities before the necessity arrives," was the calm reply.

"I have decided not to," was the calm reply.

"I can assure you that you are mistaken," was the calm reply.

"I see no reason why I should," was the calm reply.

"That'll do," he advised, with ominous calm.

The music seemed a natural expression of her feelings,suited to the heart "steeped in golden languors," in the "tranced summer calm."

She was entirely occupied with George Cannon's tone, and his calm, audacious reference to a phenomenon which had hitherto seemed to her to be far beyond the region of words.

She leaned back in the carriage negligently, affecting an absolute calm.

And she could feel the vista of the large, calm, comfortable room behind her, and could hear the coals falling together in the grate, and the rustling of the architect's paper, and Mrs. Orgreave's slight cough.

III In the Clayhanger shop, agitated and scarcely aware of what she did, she could, nevertheless, hear her voice greeting Edwin Clayhanger in firm, calm tones; and she soon perceived very clearly that he was even more acutely nervous than herself: which perception helped to restore her confidence, while, at the same time, it filled her with bliss.

If Janet, with calm, cryptic face, had not been watching her from the doorway, she might have danced on the gravel.

His agitation appeared to be extreme; but she was calm; she was divinely calm.

His agitation appeared to be extreme; but she was calm; she was divinely calm.

April is very calm (navegación de señoras).

May is usually calm; but in May and June there are frequent thunderstorms, introducing the south-west monsoon, which though it extends through the months of July, August, and September, is not so constant as the north-east.

About eleven at night we reached the sea, and in a complete calm rowed for the distance of a league along the coast to Calbayot, the convent at which place affords a commanding view of the islands lying before it.

As the men, owing to the sultry heat, the complete calm, and almost cloudless sky, slept quite as much as they rowed, we did not reach Paranas before the afternoon.

After first experiencing an uninterrupted calm, we incurred great danger in a sudden tempest, so that we had to retrace the whole distance by means of the oars.

Then let me select men whose guiding-star has been the good of their fellow-creatures, or the glory of God, and watch their peaceful useful end on that calm summit that they toiled so honestly to reach.

Upon these occasions of high dress a spirit of Sabbath calm was wont to descend upon her and save her from escapades to which in a less severe garb she was somewhat prone.

Once only, if we recollect rightly, the truth flashes across him for a moment, and the clouds of selfish sorrow: Alas, I have nor hope nor health, Nor peace within, nor calm around; Nor that content surpassing wealth

As if the peace within, and the calm around, and the content surpassing wealth, were things which were to be put in the same category with fame, and power, and love, and leisure.

Before retiring to rest, all voices joined in some sweet hymn of praise, and then, with hearts softened by the touching sounds, and purified by the blessed influences of a day so passed, they slept the calm, untroubled sleep of innocence, to awaken on the morrow strengthened and refreshed, to obey once more the Divine command"Six days shalt thou labor.

7551 examples of  calm  in sentences