75 examples of camouflage in sentences

The men became caked with mud from steel helmet to boots, and the field guns which had to be hauled by double teams were so bespattered that there was no need for camouflage.


He was trying to uncover the verbal camouflage by which the astute white brushed away all rights of all black men whatsoever.

N. camouflage; mimicry; hiding place; secret place, secret drawer; recess, hold, holes and corners; closet, crypt, adytum^, abditory^, oubliette. ambush, ambuscade; stalking horse; lurking hole, lurking place; secret path, back stairs; retreat &c (refuge) 666. screen, cover, shade, blinker; veil, curtain, blind, cloak, cloud.

lie in ambush &c (hide oneself) 528; lie in wait for, lurk; set a trap for &c (deceive) 545; ambuscade, ambush. camouflage.


"I nurse a private grief of my own beneath a camouflage ofof persiflage.

"So you saw through my camouflage?" said the latter thoughtfully.

It is simply lying and camouflage to attempt to trace such persecutions to any other source.

First of all an effort was made to get a workingman elected as a member to help camouflage its very evident character and make people believe that "honest labor" was also desirous of ridding the town of the hated I.W.W. Hall.

I thought it was time to emerge from my literary camouflage and let off a heavy howitzer; which I did, with the following: Dear Freddy,I am afraid you have got hold of the wrong end of the stick and laid an egg in a mare's nest.

I am bound to admit that from that moment I had a suspicion that the order of General Oie was so much Japanese camouflage, and that it was not intended that we should take any part in the immediate operations.

The last question was the most important of all, and was doubtless the kernel of the whole series, the others being mere camouflage.

It's a very laudable object, and needs no camouflage.

"I think we are justified in indulging in a little camouflage there," he said.

There is a camouflage of talk, but under itAha!

A further example of camouflage, I suppose.


GRANT, U.S., III. Modern camouflage.

GRANT, U.S., III. Modern camouflage.

" Long before the French word "camouflage" was brought into general use by a titanic war the art of concealment and illusion was practiced universally by the natives of the North American wilderness.

Secondly, I found it odd that the spy-hunters, after employing so many ruses and so much camouflage that one might say they almost refused to recognise their own reflections in a mirror, should proceed to the opposite extreme and arrange all their plans, with engaging frankness, over the telephone.


The birches, almost indistinguishable, were like trees in camouflage.

The most he could say was that he was doing his best to get the camouflage school out of Kensington Gardens, and let nature have a chance.

75 examples of  camouflage  in sentences