35 examples of canaille in sentences

Oh, ze canaille!

I tell 'im that if 'e were my equal I would wiz my sword s-spit 'im. Because 'e is canaille

Ze canaille say to me, to me, 'Come,' he say, 'come, Baron, I have one six-shooter, one shot-gun, two pitchfork, three spade, and one mowing-machine.

Some soldiers crossed their bayonets before the unarmed prisoner, three sergents de ville pushed him into a fiacre, and a sub-lieutenant approaching the carriage, and looking in the face of the man who, if he were a citizen, was his Representative, and if he were a soldier was his general, flung this abominable word at him, "Canaille!"

"Canaille!" hissed the latter, and shook the hand away.

And let me ask thee, if thou dost not think, that either the mayor, the ambassador, or the general would not make very pitiful figures on their galas, did not the trumpets and tabrets call together the canaille to gaze at them?Nor perhaps should we be the most guilty heroes

Nothing gloomy, nor acetose, nor piously-angular can be observed in them; nothing pre-eminently lustrous is seen in the halo of the respective worshippers; yet there is a finish about them which indicates that they have no connection with the canaille, and that they are in some instances approaching, and in others directly associated with, the "higher middle class."

The descendants of Aemilius and Gracchuseven generals and consuls and praetorsmixed familiarly with the lowest canaille of Rome in their vilest and most squalid purlieus of shameless vice.

"This is the revolt of the canaille against all kind of supremacy, the supremacy of fortune, and the supremacy of intellect.

This reminds one of Dumollard, the assassin, calling the jurymen "Canaille!"

If I were allowed to compare a marquis to one of the canine species, I should say that he has a keen scent for popularity; but one must respect rank in a period like ours, when we may go to sleep to the shouts of the canaille, and awake to the melodious sounds of "Vive Henri V!"

His wildly sanguinary articles in the Marseillaise, and the compacts sealed with blood, with Flourens and his associates, now had so exhausted our poor Rochefort that at the moment of flourishing his handkerchief as the standard of the canaille, he dropped pale and fainting to the ground, attacked by a severe illness.

Whereto Madame Tallafferr complacently responded that Mr. Cyrus Staten had not been needed: the canaille would always respect a proper show of authority from its superiors; and so went home, rustling and sparkling.

"Pig! Canaille!"

"Call off your canaille, and fight me like a gentleman," cried De Catinat.

To tell his canaille that Ithat weHe dared!

V "I have told your peopleyour canaille," said Father Antoine, "that I shall excommunicate them all.

Then 'Madame Martin is putting all this canaille into our very chambers,' she cried.

'These are no canaille,' I said: 'be silent, ma bonne Léontine, here is something which you cannot understand.

Apparently he found none, for, leaning across the table and speaking to Calvert quite loudly and in an insolent tone, he said, "'Tis a good thing the coffee is of the best, or, my word of honor, I would not come to a place which gentlemen seem to have abandoned and to which canaille flock."

"Hath gore of canaille sapped thy noble blood and impregnated in thy veins vile clots to turn thee purple with choler?" and he pushed Cedric from him.

Ah, the canaille!" CHAPTER XXI SHIPWRECK AND WAR "You call them dogs, eh?" asked the chief.

Yet we have precisely the same kind of evidence of observers for this 'alleged' benevolent Supreme Being as we have for the canaille of ghosts and fetishes.

"You are a couple of canaille!

* Everybody goes to the theatre to see my play, to learn something instantly from it, to make some sort of profit, and I tell you: I have not the time to bother about that canaille.

35 examples of  canaille  in sentences