34 examples of candidacy in sentences

CHAPTER V A MAD PRANK OF THE GODS A week after the publication of that blithe bit of acrimony which opens this tale, Colonel J. Rodney Potts, recreated and natty in a new summer suit of alpaca, his hat freshly ironed, sued the town of Little Arcady for ten thousand dollar damages to his person and announced his candidacy at the ensuing election for the honorable office of Judge of Slocum County.

It was decided that Solon Denney should try to illuminate this point before taking the candidacy of Potts seriously.

As for this candidacy of Potts, Horace Greeley once said, commenting, we think, on some action of Weed's, "I like cool things, of ordinary dimensionsan iceberg or a glacier; but this arctic circle of coagulation appalls credulity and paralyzes indignation.

There was another Magnus whose candidacy was spoiled by this union.

N. politics; political science; candidacy, campaign, campaigning, electioneering; partisanship, ideology, factionalism.

V. run for office, stand for office; campaign, stump; throw one's hat in the ring; announce one's candidacy.

The first election in the new Republic was carried with only a limited and somewhat perfunctory opposition to the candidacy of Estrada Palma.

" Acquiescence in Washington's candidacy made it practically impossible for the Republican party to manifest its true strength.

It is an able paper, fully displaying Hamilton's power of combining force of argument with dignity of language, but although exhibiting Adams as unfit for his office it advised support of his candidacy.

He could not attend the deliberations as an editor; but he doubtless lent his suggestion and advice, for we find him among the distinguished guests and speakers at the banquet which followed the business session, and toasts to his candidacy as "the next United States Senator" show that his leadership had suffered no abatement.

Richardson's candidacy, long foreshadowed, was seen to require an opposing nominee of unusual popularity.

Beyond this, however, the Lecompton controversy, and his open persecution by the Buchanan Administration, made his leadership and his candidacy a necessity to the Northern Democrats.

So also in the summer of 1860, when his candidacy for President did not permit his writing public letters, he wrote in a confidential note to a friend: "Yours of the 20th is received.

Lincoln remarks in connection with this candidacy: "If Chase becomes President, all right.

When the delegates came together, however, in Baltimore, it was evident that, representing as they did the sober and well-thought-out convictions of the people, no candidacy but that of Lincoln could secure consideration and his nomination was practically unanimous.

Miracles of candidacy 4-5 ... R67131.

Miracles of candidacy 4-5 ... R67131.

R70081, 15Nov50, F. J. Meldau (A) MIRACLES OF CANDIDACY 4-5; Chronicle of reality 1-10 inclusive, by George Edwin Burnell.

1-4 inclusive; Symposium 2; Miracles of candidacy 1-3, by George Edwin Burnell, v. 2, Mar. 9, 1922.

"It's a good deal less risky than not doing it, so far as your candidacy next autumn is concerned!" retorted his assistant.

It was a women's political mass meeting to endorse the candidacy of a woman municipal official.

The announcement of the candidacy of Mr. Louis Seigerman in the next week's paper (by aid of the accompanying fiver which went with the "copy") encouraged the editor, that others might follow, to write a short, favorable editorial.

The local papers in supporting his candidacy for this office had often spoken of him and his chief deputy as human bloodhounds,a terror to evil doers.

The politicians who advocated a third term for Grant were opposed to the candidacy of James G. Blaine.

Here he was a friend to the candidacy of William H. Crawford for the Presidency.

34 examples of  candidacy  in sentences