132 examples of canne in sentences

Swote hys tyngue as the throstles note, Quycke ynn daunce as thoughte canne bee, Defte hys taboure, codgelle stote; O! hee

So in Lyly's "Euphues and his England," p. 78: "For this I sweare by her whose lightes canne never die, Vesta, and by her whose heasts are not to be broken, Diana," &

Auerbach died at Cannes on February 8, 1882, when all Germany was preparing to celebrate his 70th birthday.

A species of Balisier, which we did not see there, carried crimson and black parrot beaks with blue seed-vessels; a Canne de Riviere, {161a} with a stem eight feet high, wreathed round with pale green leaves in spiral twists, unfolded hooded flowers of thinnest transparent white wax, with each a blush of pink inside.

" The journal continues and tells of the slow progress along the Riviera, through Cannes, which was then but an unimportant village; Nice, at that time belonging to Italy, and where they saw in the cathedral Charles Felix, King of Sardinia.

From that time until his death at Cannes on September 23, 1870, a brilliant series of plays, essays, novels, and historical and archaeological works poured from his fertile pen.

If suche may boast as by a subtile arte, Canne without labour make excessive gayne, And under name of Misterie imparte, Unto the worlde the Crafie's but of their brayne.

For anncestrie of tyme oh! who canne tell The first beginning of so old a trade, For Horses were before the Deluge fell, And cures, and shoes, before that tyme were made, We need not presse tyme farther then it beares, A Company have Farriers beene 300 Yeres!!

A l'égard du dernier mort, il est exposé à l'entrée de ce Temple sur une espèce d'autel ou de table faite de cannes, et couverte d'une natte très-fine travaillée fort proprement en quarreaux rouges et jaunes avec la peau de ces mêmes cannes.

A l'égard du dernier mort, il est exposé à l'entrée de ce Temple sur une espèce d'autel ou de table faite de cannes, et couverte d'une natte très-fine travaillée fort proprement en quarreaux rouges et jaunes avec la peau de ces mêmes cannes.

When, at intervals all too long, he quits his retirement at Cannes or Cambridge, and flits mysteriously across the social scene, his appearance is hailed with devout rejoicing by every one who appreciates manifold learning, a courtly manner, and a delicately sarcastic vein of humour.

LE DISTRAIT Un homme qui était souvent distrait écrivit la lettre suivante à un de ses amis: "Mon cher ami, j'ai oublié ma canne chez vous; faites-moi le plaisir de me la rendre par le porteur de ce billet.

" Au moment de cacheter la lettre, il trouva sa canne et il ajouta en post-scriptum: "Je viens de trouver ma canne, ne prenez pas la peine de la chercher."

" Au moment de cacheter la lettre, il trouva sa canne et il ajouta en post-scriptum: "Je viens de trouver ma canne, ne prenez pas la peine de la chercher."

tu peux commencer par porter ma canne et

CANDIDAT, m., qui veut un emploi, une fonction, etc. CANNE, f., bâton pour s'appuyer en marchant.

[Illustration: Letter C.] Cannon took their name from the French word Canne, a reed.

I live part of the time in Paris, and part of the time at Cannes, and I manage to keep busy.

The 19. of April our ship had no more bread left, but for our last partition euery man had seuen pound, both good and badde breade, and from that time forwarde our meate was Rice sodden in water, and euery man had a canne of water euery day, with three romers of wine, and weekely each man three romers or glasses of oyle and that very strong, and nothing els.

" The account of the childhood days upon the plantation at Cannes Brulées may be passed by.

Palmyre loved her, and through her contact ceased, for a time, at least, to be the pet leopard she had been at the Cannes Brulées.

Another element of safety, of which she knew nothing, was a letter from the Cannes Brulée.

Bras-Coupé was taking her hand in one of his and laying his other upon her head; and as some one made an unnecessary gesture for silence, he sang, beating slow and solemn time with his naked foot and with the hand that dropped hers to smite his breast: "'En haut la montagne, zami, Mo coupé canne, zami, Pou' l'a'zen' zami, Pou' mo baille Palmyre.

And then he saidand the echo came back from the Cannes Bruléesthat the very bottom culpability of this thing rested on the Grandissimes, and specifically on their fugleman Agricola, through his putting the hellish African upon him.

TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS CLÉREL DE, French economist, born at Verneuil, of an old Norman family, bred to the bar, and specially distinguished as the author of two works in high repute, "La Democratie en Amérique" and "L'Ancien Régime et la Révolution"; died at Cannes, leaving much of his work unfinished (1805-1861).

132 examples of  canne  in sentences