109 examples of cannon's in sentences

"Mr. Cannon's going to see to the collecting of the Calder Street rents," explained Mrs. Lessways.

She knew and owned that she was wrong to abet Mr. Cannon's deception.

Janet dropped her voice accordingly: "She's Mr. Cannon's sister, of course?" "Half-sister.

She had passed a whole night in revolt against George Cannon's indignity; she had called it, furiously, an insult.

Dayson, however, ignored George Cannon's attitude, perhaps did not even perceive what it was.

I Hilda made no response of any kind to George Cannon's request for an immediate interview, allowing day after day to pass in inactivity, and wondering the while how she might excuse or explain her singular conduct when circumstances should bring the situation to a head.

And the dismantled desolation of the echoing office, and the mystery of George Cannon's personal position, somehow gave a strange poignancy to her mood.

Nevertheless, she remembered a peculiar glance of Tom's to his father on the previous day, when George Cannon's name had been mentioned.

Adv. flagrante bello [Lat.], in the thick of the fray, in the cannon's mouth; at the sword's point, at the point of the bayonet.

The threat of the cannon's mouth is trivial in its effect on the mind in comparison with the menace of a Shadow.

One includes the higher part of this enclosure, from, the peak of that rock buried in clouds, whence springs the rapid river of Fan-Palms, to that wide cleft which you see on the summit of the mountain, and which is called the Cannon's Mouth, from the resemblance in its form.

Many a man would shrink from that, who would march coolly up to the cannon's mouth by daylight.

I have been a Christian river Dull and slow this many a year, Rolling down my torpid waters Through a silence morne and drear; Have not felt the tread of armies Trampling on my reedy shore; Have not heard the trumpet calling, Or the cannon's gladsome roar; Only listened to the laughter From the village and the town, And the church-bells, ever jangling, As the weary day went down.

The popular argument that the Negro ought to develop his own civilization, and has no right to share in that of the white race, unless by favor, comes with poor grace from those who are forcing their civilization upon others at the cannon's mouth; it is, moreover, uncandid and unfair.

those days of blood are o'er; The trumpet's clangor, the loud cannon's roar.

Down went the Cumberland all a wrack, With a sudden shudder of death, And the cannon's breath For her dying gasp.

it isit isthe cannon's opening roar!

We supplied ourselves with an eel spear and a lantern, and visited Cannon's "beck."

When we get into difficulty with Mexico, or England, or Russia, or Japan, or with Spain again over Cuba, or with New Jersey, I will march up to the cannon's mouth, and amid the glistening bayonets I will tear down their flag from its staff, and I will come home with stars on my shoulders, and hold every office in the gift of the government, and I will be great."

From Southern Mississippi and East Louisiana all the grays who marched under the slanting bayonet or beside the cannon's wheel were gone.

They made a picture; they made a tableau vivant of the same illustration as Landseer's lamb looking into the grass- covered cannon's mouth.

Far hence be driv'n to Scythia's stormy shore The drum's harsh music, and the cannon's roar; Let grim Bellona haunt the lawless plain, Where Tartar clans, and grizly Cossacks reign; Let the steel'd Turk be deaf to Matrons cries, See virgins ravish'd, with relentless eyes, To death, grey heads, and smiling infants doom.

A thousand flags that once waved to the peal of music and the clang of arms, to the darted javelin and the cannon's roar, moulder away here

It was now late in the afternoon, and the soldiers, exhausted with their desperate exertions, fought on, doggedly, but without that fiery spirit which earlier in the day had urged them to the cannon's mouth.

"So will I lie, and arise no more, My watch like a sentinel keeping, Till I hear the cannon's thundering roar, And the squadrons above me sweeping.

109 examples of  cannon's  in sentences