982 examples of canyons in sentences

The reserve occupies the upper portion of this slope, which has more the form of a mountainous plateau country, scored by deep and rugged canyons, than of a typical mountain range.

The rolling plateau country sloping toward the Little Colorado is heavily scored with deep box canyons often hundreds of feet deep and frequently inaccessible for long distances.

Most of the permanent surface water is found in these canyons, and the general drainage is through them down to the lower plains bordering the river.

The entire northern side of this section is bordered by the sloping grassy plains of the Little Colorado, which at their upper border have an elevation of 6,500 to 7,500 feet, and are covered here and there with piñons, cedars and junipers, especially along the sides of the canyons and similar slopes.

Owing to the more abrupt character of the northerly slope of this belt, and its greater humidity, the forest is more varied by firs and aspens, especially along the canyons, than is the case further north.

The little streams flow down gently sloping courses, which gradually deepen to form shallow side canyons leading into the main river.

Small streams and springs are found in the larger canyons on this slope, while far below, at an altitude of about 5,000 feet, lies Blue River.

The entire southern part of the reserve lying beyond the Prieto Plateau is an excessively broken mountainous country, with abrupt changes in altitude from the hot canyons, where cottonwoods flourish, to the high ridges, where pines and firs abound.

The country about the head of Black River is a favorite summer range of this deer, but in winter they gradually retreat before the heavy snowfalls to the sheltered canyons along Black River and the breaks of the Blue.

Between 1883 and 1895 several herds of cattle were grazed on the head of Black River, and ranged in winter down on the breaks of the Blue and the canyons of Black River; but I understand that these ranges have since been abandoned by the cattle men.

The rules of longevity were in oblivion and the routine channels of a mind, so used to teeming detail, had become abysses as dark and void as the canyons of the range.

His fingers were worn clear down to the first joint and his feet off up to the knees, so he could not hold on to the seams of canyons as well as before.

At length we thundered and resounded through canyons of tall houses, their façades occasionally bathed in the cold, blue radiance of arc-lights; and under streets and over canals.

Your real home is in the mountainsjust as you saidyou really live among the glowing peaks, under the dark pines, on the ridges, and in the purple shadows of the canyons.

Its home is in the icy torrents that are fed by the snows of the highest peaks and canyons.

Did you not say that my home was under these glowing peaks, and in the purple shadows of these canyons?

SCOYEN, EIVIND T. The rainbow canyons, by Eivind T. Scoyen and Frank J. Taylor.

The rainbow canyons.

They rounded the base of the big mountain, and, glancing up at the ragged canyons which chopped the face of the peak, he was glad that he had not attempted that short cut.

I appeared to be at the extreme point of a vast ten-league promontory, rising high over the basin, where the rim was cut into canyons as thick as teeth of a saw.

Craggy russet-lichened cliffs, yellow and gold-stained rocks, old crumbling ruins of pinnacles crowned by pine thickets, ravines and gullies and canyons, choked with trees and brush all green-gold, purple-red, scarlet-firethese indeed were the heights and depths, the wild, lonely ruggedness, the color and beauty of Arizona land.

This rim was a huge wall of splintered rock, a colossal cliff, towering so high above the black basin below that ravines and canyons resembled ripples or dimples, darker lines of shade.

And on the other side from its very edge, where the pine fringe began, it sloped gradually to the north, with heads of canyons opening almost at the crest.

The lower reaches of the rim consisted of ridges and gorges, benches and ravines, canyons and promontoriesa country so wild and broken that it seemed impossible for hounds to travel it, let alone men.

How the echoes rang from wall to wall, to die hollow and faint in the deep canyons!

982 examples of  canyons  in sentences