49 examples of card-playing in sentences

Her moral and religious principles were known by the firm stand she took against common incentives to dissipation and irreligionsuch as card-playing and Sunday entertainmentsagainst the introduction of questionable topics, unseemly language, and vacuous frivolity into conversation.

or know Sulpicia, without knowing all the round of her card-playing relations?


It is possible that a succession of runs of luck might have put an end to my professional career; it is certain that the opposite result put an end to my card-playing aspirations.

Brides were not allowed to wear wreaths in their bonnets; gamblers were set in the pillory, and card-playing and nine-pins were denounced as gambling.

His time was passed in overseeing his large estate, and in out-of-door sports, following the hounds or fishing, exchanging visits with prominent Virginia families, amusing himself with card-playing, dancing, and the social frivolities of the day.

Thus when he began, "Why, Sir, as to the good or evil of card-playing;" Garrick would make this arch comment on his proem; "Now he is considering which side he shall take."

A term in card-playing; to "vie" was to cover a stake.

Hence, in all countries the chief occupation of society is card-playing, and it is the gauge of its value, and an outward sign that it is bankrupt in thought.

Card-playing, that universal occupation of "good society" everywhere, is a device for providing this kind of excitement, and that, too, by means of interests so small as to produce slight and momentary, instead of real and permanent, pain.

Card-playing is, in fact, a mere tickling of the will.

She wouldn't go tearing over the country racing and gambling and then card-playing far into the night if you were there to pull her up.

Card-playing is very thirsty, and the boys were anxious to keep out the wet; so that long before the pig's head was decided, a messenger had been dispatched several times to Killarney, a distance of four English miles, for a pint of whisky each time.

The custom of card-playing has led to the gaming-table, and been the ruin of thousands.

" But where the Evangelical influence reached, it brought a marked abstention from such forms of recreation as dancing, card-playing, and the drama.

Mag. for 1799, p. 1171, who had been employed in Strahan's printing-works, says that 'Stewart was useful to Johnson in the explanation of low cant phrases; all words relating to gambling and card-playing, such as All-Fours, Catch-honours [not in Johnson's Dictionary], Cribbage [merely defined as A game at cards], were said to be Stewart's corrected by the Doctor.'

'Why, Sir, as to the good or evil of card-playing,' iii. 23; 'It generates kindness and consolidates society,' v. 404.

'Why, Sir, as to the good or evil of card-playing,' iii. 23. WIG.

However, ingenuity had just suggested card-playing for King Charles' amusement, and he paid little attention nowadays to any one save his opponent at this new game.

The back of the seat next in front was reversed so that my legs might be placed in a comfortable position, and one of the boards used by card-playing travelers was placed beneath them as a support.

A familiar instance occurs at once in the different way in which most of us view card-playing or attendance at balls or theatres from the much stricter views which prevailed in many respectable English households a generation ago.

The point is that there had to be some other way of entertaining the company at the party, besides drinking, card-playing, or dancing.

The one voice she could not hear was Peregrine's, perhaps because he realised more than they did that she was within ear-shot, and besides, he was absolutely sober; but she thought he silenced them; and then she heard sounds of card-playing, which made an accompaniment to her agonised prayers.

She heard card-playing and the jingle of glasses far into the night, as she believed, but it seemed to her as if she had scarcely fallen asleep before, to her extreme terror, she heard a knock and a low call at her door of 'Guennik.'

There was the usual measure of dining, dancing, supping, card-playing, and gossiping, which prevailed in country towns at the time.

49 examples of  card-playing  in sentences