96 examples of careworn in sentences

She noticed with a pang how old and careworn he looked.

He groweth pale-cheeked and careworn, harsh of speech and swift to anger.

Boabdil looked anxiously around and scanned every face; but he read in them all the anxiety of careworn men, in whose hearts enthusiasm was dead, and who had grown callous to every chivalrous appeal.

The landlord of the hotel, a man with a careworn face, shook his head dismally and predicted their return to Albuquerque within twenty-four hours.

His square-built form and careworn features, which had lost the brilliancy of an English complexion, and hair whitened prematurely, spoke of bodily vigor, and arduous services which had put that vigor to the severest trials.

The groan, if groan it can be called, died away, and they all turned and looked at his pale and careworn face.

Her great, dark brown eyes and golden hair were indications of beauty, despite the careworn look and dust-covered features.

He was plainly much upset; his elegant waistcoat seemed to have assumed careworn creases, his mop of blonde hair was palpably rumpled as if he had been endeavouring to tear some of its wavy locks out by force.

His study of the Chinese phonograms at length resulted in the transformation of his careworn face by a slowly dawning smile, the gleeful smile of a mischief-loving child.

I am so careworn, so troubled, so discouraged!

For the benefit of those interested, I may mention that if you shove the thing under the surface with the sponge and then let it go, it shoots out of the water in a manner calculated to divert the most careworn.

"I'm sorry to see you looking so careworn, Mrs. Kinloch," said he, with his blandest air.

The faces of Edith and Barbara looked pale and careworn, but they smiled bravely when Holman assured them that we were within a yard of the path by which we had crossed to the Valley of Echoes.

The bloom and flush have left her careworn face.

Almost all are pale, thin, weak children, to whom melancholy and suffering have imparted an old and careworn expression.

His face grew sad and careworn, and, from the time he got up to the time he went to bed, he could think of nothing but the way that his four queens were squabbling with each other.

Vasishta looked at the king's face and saw how sad and careworn it was.

Some seemed uneasy and careworn, and glanced about nervously; had their countenances not been unalterably yellow, they would certainly have been white.

Her face (my description following my wandering glance)her face was careworn, almost to desuetude; not dissipation-worn, as, alas!

Even when most tried and tempted, as has been said, she had kept her trouble to herself; few of her most intimate friends knew of its existence; to the world she appeared a little more thoughtful and somewhat careworn, but otherwise as bright as ever.

Weariness was written across my mother's delicate careworn features, and found expression in my father's knitted brows and dusty face.

The pale careworn face grew more troubled, the firmly-moulded lips quivered ever so little, as he looked down at the widow's pleading countenance; and then he turned his head aside with a sudden half-impatient movement.

There may have been even more in it than this, for one got to know Tommies at sight by a sort of careworn halo round the brow, and it is said that the House of Commons was several times nearly counted out because so many of its middle-aged members were holding the floor in another place.

When we met at breakfast, the incumbent looked hard at me, and seemed to gather something from my pale and careworn face.

His face, in the full sunlight, seemed haggard and careworn, and the light had died out in his eyes.

96 examples of  careworn  in sentences