15 examples of carnaval in sentences

"Au reste il est temps pour la santé de la Reine que le carnaval finisse.

The theatres Aliberti and Argentino are open during the Carnaval only.

The consequence is that no performer of any consideration or talent is engaged to sing at Rome, except one or two by chance at the time of the Carnaval.

I am arrived here at rather a dull season: the Carnaval is just over and all the young ladies are taking to their Livres d'Heures to atone for any levity or indiscretion they may have been guilty of during the hey day of the Carnaval.

I am arrived here at rather a dull season: the Carnaval is just over and all the young ladies are taking to their Livres d'Heures to atone for any levity or indiscretion they may have been guilty of during the hey day of the Carnaval.

The Carnaval has long since begun, and this is the heaven of the Roman ladies.

" When I speak of the Carnaval, I speak of the last ten days of it which precede Lent.

This is a pretty accurate account of a Roman Carnaval.

The Carnaval is now over and the ladies are all at their Livres d'Heures, posting masses and prayers to the credit side, to counterbalance the sins and frailties committed during the carnaval in the account which they keep in the Ledger of Heaven.

The Carnaval is now over and the ladies are all at their Livres d'Heures, posting masses and prayers to the credit side, to counterbalance the sins and frailties committed during the carnaval in the account which they keep in the Ledger of Heaven.

CARNAVAL, m., temps destiné aux divertissements.

Within two Doors of the Masquerade lives an eminent Italian Chirurgeon, arriv'd from the Carnaval at Venice, of great Experience in private Cures.

To be explicit, I want Petroushka, and instead I find myself not knowing where to look while Scheherazade unfolds its appalling freedoms; I want Les Sylphides, and instead am given Les Papillons, which is very lovely but not of an equal loveliness; and I want Carnaval, and instead am offered the perplexities of The Fire Bird.

It was merely an invitation from the most adorable woman in London to share her box at the Russian Ballet on the previous night, to see what she knew was my most desired performance, Carnaval, Les Sylphides and Pelroushka.

Camees, and Tilda to open it at the Carnaval de Venise "Il est un vieil air populaire Par tous les violons racle, Aux abois de chiens en colere Par tous les orgues nasille.

15 examples of  carnaval  in sentences