40424 examples of carried in sentences

Suddenly her attention pounced upon them; she bent her head, took up some and carried them to the lamp.

'Some to honourand some to dishonour'the words rang in his ears, mingling with that deep bell of St. Paul's, whereof the echoes were being carried up the river towards him on the light southeasterly wind.

He carried a parcel carefully wrapped in an old shawl.

Phoebe carried the telegram upstairs to her room, and locked the door.

Had Grey's proposal been carried out, New Zealand would have had a powerful Senate eclipsing altogether the Lower Chamber.

A war carried on in such a theatre and in such a temper was likely to drag.

They descended on the printing-house, and carried off the press and type of Te Pihoihoi Mokémoké.

The Governor attempted to disarm them, but the plan was not well carried out, and most of them escaped with their weapons to the King Country.

When Captain Atkinson and his rangers came up at speed to the rescue, they found that the heads of the slain had been cut off and carried away.

Lloyd's, it appears, was carried about the island by Hau-Hau preachers, who professed to find in it a kind of diabolical oracle, and used it with much effect in disseminating their teaching.

The victors carried the bodies of their fallen chiefs back to Wanganui, where the settlers for whom they had died lined the road, standing bareheaded as the brave dead were borne past.

Ultimately, though gradually, the Imperial troops were withdrawn, and the colonists carried on the war with their own men, as well as their own money.

They left thirty-seven dead behind, for Ropata gave no quarter, and had not his men loitered to plunder, Te Kooti, who, still lame, was carried off on a woman's back, must have been among their prizes.

His policy, minus the essential part relating to land settlement, was accepted and actively carried out.

Indeed, the minute subdivision of local administration has been carried to extreme lengths in New Zealand, where the hundreds of petty local bodies, each with its functions, officers, and circle of friends and enemies, are so many stumbling-blocks to thoroughgoing amalgamation and rearrangement.

Another reform carried out by Vogel had been the adoption of the Torrens system of land transfer.

Though he failed to pass the reforms just mentioned, he had the satisfaction of seeing them adopted and carried into law, some by his opponents, some by his friends.

He carried through the abolition of the Provinces; he twice reorganized the finances; he was the protagonist of his side in their battles with Grey, Ballance, and Stout, and they could not easily have had a better.

Sir Harry Atkinson, the treasurer who carried the chief protectionist duties, used to disclaim being either a protectionist or a free-trader.

It was a favourite project of Sir George Grey's; but it did not become law until he had left public life, when it was carried by the most successful and determined of the Liberal Ministers of Lands, John McKenzie, who has administered it in a way which bids fair to leave an enduring mark on the face of the Colony.

Some were carried after hot debate; some after very little.

Under it the one-man-one-vote was carried to its complete issue by the clause providing for one man one registration; that is to say, that no voter could register on more than one roll.

This was a curious example of a remarkable constitutional change carried by a Parliament at the election of which the question had scarcely been discussed.

At the same time it is urged that this protective legislation has been carried to an unreasonable extent, and people allege, no doubt with a certain amount of exaggeration, that they feel themselves regulated in all the relations of life.

Do you know what message He carried to those "spirits in prison"?

40424 examples of  carried  in sentences