12 examples of carryings in sentences

I've been watching you, and I've seen with my own eyes your carryings on.

"But" "Oh, I've heard all about your carryings on with thatcreature; how you talk to her, and people have seen you walking with her on the street.

Maybe such carryings on is all right for they grooms an' kerridge-'orses, but it ain't 'ardly decent for a respectable farm 'orse.

What with the lamentations of the ghost-girls and the grumbling of families who had lost an ancestor, the village was upset for a while, and the funny thing was that it was the folk who had complained most of the carryings-on of the youngsters, who made most noise now that they were gone.

"Another city beauthere'll be high carryings-on now, if he's anything like the other one, who's come mighty nigh turning the house upside down.

What yer mean by such carryings-on?

"Yes; I suspicion some one's been sending tales to him about a certain young woman's carryings on down here.

The Deppinghams and the Brownes confessed in the privacy of their chambers that there was scant diplomacy in their "carryings-on," but without these indulgences the days and nights would have been intolerable.

" To this Mr. Martin responded dubiously, remarking that there were some carryings on upon the part of husbands which it was difficult for a wife not to remember.

It makes me a little uneasy when I go to New York and see the carryings-on of some of the old merchants' grandchildren.

" "Well, what do you make of all them carryings-on over there in England, ma'am?

When these scandalous "carryings-on" at the Luxembourg Palace reached the Regent's ears and he ventured to read his daughter a severe lecture on her conduct, she retaliated by snapping her fingers at him and telling him in so many words to mind his own business.

12 examples of  carryings  in sentences