273 examples of cartes in sentences

You must know that once at Whitehall I played at cartes with my lord Culpepper, and the stake on his part was one-sixth portion of that Virginian territory which is his freehold.

de Choisy's salads,confectionery, marmalade, elixirs, Des Cartes, Arnould, Calvinism, and the barometer.

And therefore, should Des Cartes's globules strike never so long on the retina of a man who was blind by a gutta serena, he would thereby never have any idea of light, or anything approaching it, though he understood never so well what little globules were, and what striking on another body was.

And the wommen maken alle thinges and alle maner mysteres and craftes; as of clothes, botes and other thinges; and thei dryven cartes, plowes and waynes and chariottes; and thei maken houses and alle maner of mysteres, out taken bowes and arwes and armures, that men maken.

know by heart, know by rote; be master of; connaitre le dessous des cartes

manifestly, openly &c adj.; before one's eyes, under one's nose, to one's face, face to face, above board, cartes sur table, on the stage, in open court, in the open streets; in market overt; in the face of day, face of heaven; in broad daylight, in open daylight; without reserve; at first blush, prima facie [Lat.], on the face of; in set terms.

Implication N. {ant. 525} latency, inexpression^; hidden meaning, occult meaning; occultness, mystery, cabala^, anagoge^; silence &c (taciturnity) 585; concealment &c 528; more than meets the eye, more than meets the ear; Delphic oracle; le dessous des cartes [Fr.], undercurrent.

Secret N. secret; dead secret, profound secret; arcanum^, mystery; latency &c 526; Asian mystery^; sealed book, secrets of the prison house; le desous des cartes

Adv. truly &c (really) 494; in plain words &c 703; in truth, with truth, of a truth, in good truth; as the dial to the sun, as the needle to the pole; honor bright; troth; in good sooth^, in good earnest; unfeignedly, with no nonsense, in sooth^, sooth to say^, bona fide, in foro conscientiae [Lat.]; without equivocation; cartes sur table, from the bottom of one's heart; by my troth &c (affirmation) 535.

One, is, the horrid panic or "funk," (as the men of Eton call it,) in which Des Cartes must have found himself upon hearing this regular drama sketched for his own deathfuneralsuccession and administration to his effects.

" Possibly, gentlemen, you may fancy that, on the model of Cæsar's address to his poor ferryman,"Cæsarem vehis et fortunas ejus"M. Des Cartes needed only to have said,"Dogs, you cannot cut my throat, for you carry Des Cartes and his philosophy," and might safely have defied them to do their worst.

In 1783 he published Manière de se Récréer avec le Jeu de Cartes nommées Tarots.

Let it be borne in mind that existing cartes-de-visite are almost certain to be useless.

Such a definition, he imagines, might have saved Locke, Berkley, and their followers, from much vain speculation; for with the ideal systems of these philosophers, or with those of Aristotle and Des Cartes, he by no means coincides.

These more distinguished portraits, of cabinet dimensions, were scattered up and down among the miscellaneous herd of cartes de visits.

R98858, 20Aug52, Norma Talmadge James (c) TARIDE, CARTES.

Cartes sur table.

Cartes sur table.

Tours de cartes.

Atlas du Bottin; cartes & plans.

Cartes sur table.

Cartes sur table.

Tours de cartes.

Atlas du Bottin; cartes & plans.

"On ne sait jamais le dessous des cartes," as the perplexing dialect of the aborigines of this country would put it.

273 examples of  cartes  in sentences