23 examples of carver's in sentences

The man had mistaken his directions, and had driven him to JOHN CARVER'S old Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts, instead of JAMES FISK Jr.'s steamboat at Pier 28, North River.

"Such matters must be left to my discretion entirely, and I must also remind you that there is such a thing as the carver's privilege, and it is possible that in this instance he may think fit to retain the liver for his own consumption.

" Paulina replied, "So much the more the carver's excellence, who has made the statue as Hermione would have looked had she been living now.

A tough fowl and an old goose are sad triers of a carver's powers and temper, and, indeed, sometimes of the good humour of those in the neighbourhood of the carver; for a sudden tilt of the dish may eventuate in the placing a quantity of the gravy in the lap of the right or left-hand supporter of the host.

"And now, gentlemen, last, but by no means least, we come to the gem of the sale,a side-board, gentlemen,a magnificent, mahogany side-board, being a superb example of the carver's art!

Then he looked at Félix, and at length he said: "Well, little forest bird, who taught thee the carver's craft?"

But they without its light can see The chamber carved so curiously, Carved with figures strange and sweet, All made out of the carver's brain, 180 For a lady's chamber meet: The lamp with twofold silver chain Is fastened to an angel's feet.

Yet Carver's Mackinack, in 1766, appears to have been "old Mackinack.

"I found Mr. Keating's account of the Mississippi, and especially of the St. Peter's, most surprisingly erroneous, and old Jonathan Carver's book, which he is constantly denouncing, very accurate.

The wood carver's hair was yellowish brown, this man's was dark, tinged with gray; the wood carver wore a beard and mustache, this man was clean shavenfinally, the wood carver was shorter and heavier than this man.

Another book of interest, from its fidelity and candid spirit, though written without vivacity, and by a person neither of large mind nor prepared for various inquiry, is Carver's Travels, "for three years throughout the interior parts of America, for more than five thousand miles.

I have no less grieved to omit Carver's account of the devotion of a Winnebago prince at the Falls of St. Anthony, which he describes with a simplicity and intelligence, that are very pleasing.

It is used for the famous Tunbridge ware, and is called the carver's tree, because, as the poet says, "'Smooth linden best obeys The carver's chiselbest his curious work Displays in nicest touches.'

It is used for the famous Tunbridge ware, and is called the carver's tree, because, as the poet says, "'Smooth linden best obeys The carver's chiselbest his curious work Displays in nicest touches.'

Along the base of these cliffs are numerous caverns, once the abode of wild beasts, and, even as late as Carver's visit, in 1766, numbers of bears were found wintering in them, and in the minor caves numberless rattlesnakes were seen by him.

That moral infirmities, too, were capable of winning the respect of savages, may be seen in Carver's Travels in North America (245).

In looking up at their walls, arches and columns, one marvels to see the most delicate and elaborate vine and flower-work of the carver's chisel apparently as perfect as when it engraved the last line; and this, too, in face of the frosts and beating storms of six hundred years.

ON THE TEXT [Footnote A: See Carver's Description of his Situation upon one of the Lakes of America.

If meat is served, spread a large napkin with points toward the center of the table at the carver's place, to protect the tablecloth.

The soup ladle should be placed in front of the lady of the house, who always serves the soup; and if meat is served, the carving knife and fork must, of course, be placed before the carver's place.

Carver's case is given under the head 'Possession' later.

This desertion of Carver's tale may be pardoned for the curiosity of the topic.

A female form, fashioned with the carver's best skill, stood on the projection of the cut-water.

23 examples of  carver's  in sentences