128 examples of cas in sentences

qu'à Bantam il y a dix femmes pour un homme, ce serait un cas bien particulier de la polygamie.

And thus, my lord, your daughter must be help'd. CAS. 'Zounds, what a prating keeps the bald-pate friar!

Who should be master of my harp but I? CAS.

What wilt thou ask for to work thy cure? CAS.

Win her, and wear her, man, with all my heart! CAS.

Now, master doctor; what, a match or no? CAS.

CAS. 'Tis I, fair Honorea, am thy love: Forsake the worthless earl, give me thy hand.

What say you to your gown, sir, this cold morning? CAS.

How, master, cast away upon a wife? CAS.

Adieu, Castiliano: are we friends? CAS.

CAS. Musgrave, now, on my faith, heartily welcome.

'Tis better to be a shrew, sir, than a sheep; You have no cause, I hope, yet to complain? CAS.

I doubt not, cousin, but ye shall agree, For she is mild enough, if she be pleas'd. CAS.

We have a suit to you, Castiliano. CAS.

Why would you know? CAS.

Captain, thy skill hath pleased me so well, That I have vow'd my service to Bellona. CAS.

What, sir! will you forbid me in good sort To entertain my friends? CAS.

Did I not forsake many young gallant courtiers, Enamoured with thy aged gravity, Who, now being weary of me, wouldst disgrace me? CAS.

Why, how now, man? CAS.

O my poor Musgrave, how hast thou been wrong'd, And my fair lady! CAS.

How else, but to death? CAS.

He is thy patient, is he not? CAS.

He states that Tibert (the name given to the Cat in the old Reynard the Fox) was the old French for Gilbert; and at all events, be that as it may, Chaucer, in his Romance of the Rose, verse 6204., translates "Thibert le Cas" by "Gibbe our Cat."] Lay of the Phoenix.

Souvent, en confession et dans certains cas de pénitence publique, le clergé imposoit pour satisfaction un pélerinage à Jérusalem, ou un temps fixe de croisade.

Damas étoit attaché au consul des Vénitiens, qui disoit souvent la messe à l'hôtel confessoit les marchands de cette nation, et, en cas de danger, régloit leurs affaires.

128 examples of  cas  in sentences