53198 examples of case in sentences

If she thought a chair were not a more proper vehicle for my case, she would with all her heart!

If she be not dishonest, he troubles and macerates himself without a cause; or put case which is the worst, he be a cuckold, it cannot be helped, the more he stirs in it, the more he aggravates his own misery.

How much better were it in such a case to dissemble or contemn it?

'Tis some comfort in such a case to have companions, Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris; Who can say he is free?

If it were his case alone, it were hard; but being as it is almost a common calamity, 'tis not so grievously to be taken.

What shall a man do now in such a case?

The best remedy then is by fair means; if that will not take place, to dissemble it as I say, or turn it off with a jest: hear Guexerra's advice in this case, vel joco excipies, vel silentio eludes; for if you take exceptions at everything your wife doth, Solomon's wisdom, Hercules' valour, Homer's learning, Socrates' patience, Argus' vigilance, will not serve turn.

And as in like case a good fellow that had but a peck of corn weekly to grind, yet would needs build a new mill for it, found his error eftsoons, for either he must let his mill lie waste, pull it quite down, or let others grind at it.

In such case how can they otherwise choose but be jealous, how should they agree one with another?

Both extremes are naught, Pulchra cito adamatur, foeda facile concupiscit, the one is soon beloved, the other loves: one is hardly kept, because proud and arrogant, the other not worth keeping; what is to be done in this case?

Justina, a Roman lady, was much persecuted, and after made away by her jealous husband, she caused and enjoined this epitaph, as a caveat to others, to be engraven on her tomb: "Discite ab exemplo Justinae, discite patres, Ne nubat fatuo filia vestra viro," &c. "Learn parents all, and by Justina's case, Your children to no dizzards for to place.

In the battle of Bannockburn, where Edward the Second, our English king, was foiled by the Scots, St. Philanus' arm was seen to fight (if Hector Boethius doth not impose), that was before shut up in a silver cap-case; another time, in the same author, St. Magnus fought for them.

"My grace is sufficient for thee, for my power is made perfect through weakness:" concerns every man in like case.

The custom is economical; but it has an injurious effect upon character, especially in the case of the women.

It is, however, but justice to Dr. Patton to observe that the case is not singular, the peculiar celebrity of his "Negro Pew" arising entirely from the imbecile and somewhat profane apology volunteered by Mr. Page.

The coffin-lid is screwed down; but there is a square of glass, like a little window, just over the face, as is generally the case in America, and you can have a view of the whole countenance.

His object, in introducing the woman and her case, was to make an appeal to the passengers on her behalf.

There was no hanger-on, to try to squeeze a fee out of us, as would have been the case in a country I know.

Indeed, Mrs. "Bliss," at the "Saints' Rest," assured me in the most positive manner that such was the case, and that the whole of the story I have related had not the shadow of a foundation in truth.

Nor should I have made it, but for the peculiarity of the case.

he groaned, "it's Evelyn Rogers!" Leverage chuckledthen listened shamelessly to Carroll's end of the conversation "Yesyes, this is David CarrollI'm glad you think it was sweet of me to telephoneI want to speak to your sisterShe isn't there?Well, ask her to telephone me at headquarters as soon as she comes in, will you?Uh-huh!the Warren case has endedand that's what I wanted to tell herI only did my bestYesOh!

Carroll was grinning as he turned back to his friend "Guess what that young thing said when I told her I had solved the Warren case?" "Tell me, DavidI'm a poor guesser.

When they have tasks assigned, which is often the case, a few of the strongest and most expert, sometimes finish them before sunset; others will be obliged to work till eight or nine o'clock in the evening.

"The women are subjected to these punishments as rigorously as the mennot even pregnancy exempts them; in that case, before binding them to the stakes, a hole is made in the ground to accommodate the enlarged form of the victim.

Even if she had performed her task badlyTeuzer would certainly have praised her to humiliate his apprentice; but this was not the case.

53198 examples of  case  in sentences