35 examples of castas in sentences

"Perhaps you will salute her with 'Casta Diva.'" "That is a favorite with us," she replied.

Anon he was wandering among flowers in the moonlight, and from afar some one was heard singing "Casta Diva."

How I wish I could hear her sing 'Casta Diva,' as she used to do when we sat gazing at the moon shedding its soft light over the pines in that beautiful lonely island.

"If I could only keep the same visions before me that I have here alone, I should sing well to-night," she said to herself; "for now, when I sing 'Casta Diva,' I seem to be sitting with my arm round dear little Flora, watching the moon as it rises above the dark pines on that lonely island.

But her voice soon became clear and strong; and when she fixed her eyes on the moon, and sang "Casta Diva," the fulness and richness of the tones took everybody by surprise.

As they leaned against the trees, the silver orb of the moon ascended from the horizon, and rested on the brow of Mount Holyoke; and from the same quarter whence Mendelssohn's "Song without Words" had proceeded, the tones of "Casta Diva" rose upon the air.

ut id potissimum cupiant, quod maxime denegatur: si liberas habent habenas, minus delinquunt; frustra seram adhibes, si non sit sponte casta.

Finding his devotion to Julia unrequited, Becquer, in a rebellious mood, and having come under the influence of the charms and blandishments of a woman of Soria, a certain Casta Estéban y Navarro, contracted, in or about the year 1861, an unfortunate marriage, which embittered the rest of his life and added cares and expenses which he could ill support.

¡Castas y celestes imágenes, quimérico objeto del vago amor de la adolescencia!

I have come to dread the very name of Professor, and I never can look out of the window but I see some pale-faced gentleman of the profession approaching, with his badge under his arm; but those edifying ideas all vanished at the first strain of your 'Casta Diva.'

[Footnote 2: Those who would convince themselves of this may read the work of Don Francisco Pimentel, Memoria sobre las Causas que han originado la Situation Actual de la Raza Indigena de Mexico (Mexico, 1864), and that of the Licentiate Apolinar Garcia y Garcia, Historia de la Guerra de Castas de Yucatan, Prologo (Mérida, 1865).

But the band had now ceased mellowing out the favorite medley which begins with "Casta Diva" and runs over into the lovely cadences of "Gentle Annie"; and the abrupt transition from that mournful strain to a light cotillon air warned four hundred holiday-people that the festive dance was about to begin on the wide floor between the engine-room and the saloon.

(Latin, casta, "chaste.")

Femina prima parens exosa, maligna, superba; Femina virgo parens casta, benigna, pia.

<pb id='142.png' n='1967h1/A/1176' /> KUNDERT, EDWARD C. Casta de hidalgos.

Casta de hidalgos.

<pb id='180.png' /> NUNEMAKER, FAYTHE S. Casta de hidalgos.

Casta de hidalgos.

At East and West-Enborne, in the County of Berks, if a Customary Tenant die, the Widow shall have what the Law calls her Free-Bench in all his Copy-hold Lands, dum sola & casta fuerit; that is, while she lives single and chaste; but if she commit Incontinency, she forfeits her Estate:

If a Customary Tenant die, the Widow shall have what the Law calls her Free-Bench in all his Copyhold Lands, dum sola et casta fuerit, that is, while she lives single and chaste; but if she commits Incontinency, she forfeits her Estate;

Poi ch' Amor dice, ogni secreta è casta?

in order to compare them with the use made of the same by Webster when he made Vittoria at her trial exclaim: Casta est quam nemo rogavit!

Then each in turn delivers a speech appropriate to her character, and finally Diana 'delivereth the ball of gold into the Queen's own hands,' and the play ends with a couple of doggerel hexameters chanted by way of epilogue by the assembled actors: Vive diu felix votis hominumque deumque, Corpore, mente, libro, doctissima, candida, casta.

He played a few chords, and breathed out the "Salve, dimora casta e pura," from Faust, high and soft and clear.

Indeed, none of equal magnitude has ever been sprung upon the American mind, as this aims to remodel the whole framework of our government, and give to it a strong religious casta thing which the framers of our Constitution were careful to exclude from it.

35 examples of  castas  in sentences