Do we say catalog or catalogue

catalog 905 occurrences

<pb id='001.png' n='1950h1/A/0001' /> RENEWAL REGISTRATIONSLITERATURE, ART, FILM An alphabetical list under title of all works (with the exception of musical compositions) in which the renewal copyright was registered during the period covered by this catalog.

(Composition catalog no.827)

Weatherly index for automotive jobber's catalog, 1935.

Catalog & hand-book, specialized, of the postage stamps and envelopes of the Confederate States of America.

Catalog & hand-book, specialized, of the postage stamps and envelopes of the Confederate States of America.

Catalog & hand-book, specialized, of the postage stamps and envelopes of the Confederate States of America.

SEE Boston Gear Works, Inc. Renold stock roller chain drives and accessories, catalog RD.

Boston power transmission equipment catalog, no. 53.

<pb id='188.png' /> PERKINS, LOUIS E. Perko catalog, no. 95, 1940.

SEE Perkins Marine Lamp & Hardware Corp. PERKINS MARINE LAMP & HARDWARE CORP. Perko catalog, no.95, 1940.

(Composition catalog, no. 772) NM: text matter.

(Composition catalog, no. 685)

Perko catalog 120.

Catalog no. 48.

Dealer appliance catalog number 27, 1948-1949.

Catalog no. 49.

Catalog no. 48-A. By Standard Electric Supply Company.

SEE Joseph, Oscar L. JOSEPH, E. S. The Joseph system catalog of blank forms, supplies and equipment.

JOSEPH, MARY D. The Joseph system catalog of blank forms, supplies and equipment.

(Progressive series composition catalog, no. 283) © 1Nov40; AA350217.

(Progressive series composition catalog, no. 845) NM: text matter.

BOSTON GEAR WORKS, INC. Power transmission equipment; catalog no.53.

(Composition catalog no. 495)

(Study catalog no.327) NM: text matter.

General catalog E. © 23Jul48; AA91596.

catalogue 1298 occurrences

Taken in the entirety, in shine and shade, footlights and firelights, for poorer, for richer, for all that could torment or delight a sensitive artist, a great gentle-souled creative genius, as well as a tender and sympathetic woman, the married life of Wolfgang and Constanze Mozart must be placed among the most satisfactory in the catalogue of the relations of man and woman.

" To continue the catalogue.

It is strange to hear them catalogue the proved cases of corruption amongst officials of other countries.

In the English edition of this work, the first part of this chapter is devoted to examples of Portable and fixed Agricultural engines, of different makers and styles of workmanship, but not in sufficient detail, nor illustrated on large enough scale to be of practical value as models, forming rather in fact an illustrated catalogue of the manufacturer, than a study for the mechanic.

For we may generally observe, that our Admiration of a famous Man lessens upon our nearer Acquaintance with him; and that we seldom hear the Description of a celebrated Person, without a Catalogue of some notorious Weaknesses and Infirmities.

The Catalogue of these is however very short; even Vanini the most celebrated Champion for the Cause, professed before his Judges that he believed the Existence of a God, and taking up a Straw which lay before him on the Ground, assured them, that alone was sufficient to convince him of it; alledging several Arguments to prove that 'twas impossible Nature alone could create anything.

There would be no end, if I were to catalogue the schemes of which these are a specimen.

These are all common flowers, and easily observed; and the catalogue might be increased by rare ones, as the white corydalis, the smaller yellow violet, (V. rotundifolia,) and the claytonia or spring-beauty.

Such a sacrifice as this marriage clearly belonged in the catalogue of impossibilities.

A catalogue of the members has been published, which includes 1,291 names, besides corresponding members.

Before the first of August, 1834, the whole number of names on the catalogue was a little above one hundred, and the average attendance was seventy-five.

If it were required to designate the owners of this species of property among them, it would be little more than a catalogue of slaveholders.'

But the catalogue of enormities is too long to be recapitulated in the present address.

"Some of those [passions] which act with the most irresistible energy upon the hearts of mankind, are altogether omitted in the catalogue of Aristotle.

These twelve, therefore, I either reject entirely from my catalogue, or divide and simplify to fit them for their purpose.

But the amendment is a pointed rejection of Campbell's "impersonal verb," or verb which "has no nominative;" and if the singular is not right here, the rhetorician's respectable authority vouches only for a catalogue of errors.

Etchings and drypoints; an illustrated and descriptive catalogue, compiled and arranged by Adam E. M. Paff.

Talavera pottery; with a catalogue of the collection of the Hispanic Society of America.

Catalogue of publications.

MARQUAND, JOHN P. Ay, in the catalogue.

MURPHY, WILLIAM J. Catalogue no.110, 1946.

Catalogue of Hebrew and Yiddish manuscripts and books from the library of Sholem Asch presented to Yale University by Louis M. Rabinowitz.

The angel at the bookit was one of countless volumes, like the British Museum Reading-room Catalogue, glanced at us and seemed to count us in the instant.

The collector fumbled among some papers and drew out a bulky seed catalogue, illustrated in glowing tints.

I got a catalogue in the office, and me and Jack has been aiming to raise cucumbers from it for three months.

Do we say   catalog   or  catalogue