15 examples of cathode in sentences

The peculiar sound that filled the air was the hum of the interrupter; the bulb was, of course, a Crookes tube, and the red spot inside it, the glowing red-hot disc of the anti-cathode.

For cathode rays have stolen through This maiden so deceiving; And thus her heart I've photographed, And seeing is believing.

It was he who gave the name electrolysis to decomposition by the electric current; he also proposed to call the wires, or conductors connected with the battery, or other electric source, the electrodes, naming that one which was connected with the positive terminal, the anode, and that one connected with the negative terminal, the cathode.

He called the separate atoms or groups of atoms into which bodies undergoing electrolysis are separated, the radicals, or ions, and named the electro-positive ions, which appear at the cathode, the kathions, and the electro-negative radicals which appear at the anode, the anions.

The chlorine liberated at the anode is employed in the manufacture of bleaching-salt, and the sodium is liberated at a mercury cathode, with which it at once enters into combination as an alloy.

If into an alkaline bath saturated with litharge (added in excess) we plunge two lead electrodes and pass in a current of suitable tension and intensity, there is deposited upon the anode a layer of peroxide of lead varying in thickness with the intensity of the current, and more or less rich in oxygen according to the intensity of the bath, while the cathode is covered with a stratum of reduced lead.

The liquid of the bath supplies material for both deposits, while in galvanoplastic operations the anode supplies it to the cathode.

In this way the necessary electrical resistance can very conveniently be inserted between the anode and cathode surfaces.

The elimination of hydrogen from the cathode must be avoided, or at any rate must not accumulate.

At one time a mechanical arrangement was made, by which the cathodes were kept in motion.

If the anode surface is too great, a few plates should be transferred to the cathode bars.

That, I knew, was the cathode ray, not the X-ray, for the X-ray itself, which streams outside the tube, is invisible to the human eye.

Some cells have this property but feebly developed; but in one instance the resistance offered to the current by the anode surface was 256 times as high as that offered by the cathode surface to the same current.

The direction of the current is always indicated by stating the position of the gold electrode, by the terms "gold anode" and "gold cathode."

Among the best "L B cells," some are "anode cells" and others are "cathode cells," while still others are absolutely insensitive to reversal of current or to the action of light.

15 examples of  cathode  in sentences