213 examples of caustics in sentences

The notes, in which the hand of Verplanck is very apparent, are intelligible enough and are clever, caustic and learned.

She found him closeted with a steak-and-kidney pie, and appears to have been a bit caustic about fat men who lived for food alone.

We shall find his pages caustic with wit, satire, and irony, and often disfigured with coarseness.

His strictures on Peel were severe, caustic, and bitter.

Soc. neighbourhood of a Caustic. 1838 June 2 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.

Light in the neighbourhood of a Caustic.

In his caustic fashion the old man describes these fops formed after the model of the Greek talkers of the agora, dealing in jests and witticisms, singing and dancing, ready for anything; such an one was, in his opinion, good for nothing but to exhibit himself as harlequin in a procession and to bandy talk with the publiche would sell his talk or his silence for a bit of bread.

Her manner was brusque, her speech sharp, and her criticism of neglectful mothers caustic and much to the point.

The covert sneers, the caustic criticisms, and the go-to-meeting attitude of the old lady irritated the girl beyond measure.

A strong solution of caustic water may be used if you wish to get the bones cleaned very quickly.

Keswick was with him nearly all the afternoon; and in the evening the family sat together in the parlor, where the conversation was a general one, occasionally very much brightened by some of the caustic remarks of the old lady in regard to particular men and women, as well as society at large.

The piercing Caustics ply their spiteful Powr; Emetics ranch, and been Cathartics sour.

As obtained by distillation with caustic soda, and afterwards treated with sulphuric acid, etc., it is a colorless fluid, volatilizable, inflammable, of little smell when cold, but of an exceedingly acrid, burning taste, and alkaline.

He has shewn no striking power of analysis nor of original illustration, though he has chosen to exercise his pen on writers most congenial to his own turn of mind, from their dry and caustic vein; Massinger, and Ben Jonson.

His principles are mellowed and improved, without having become less sound with time: for at one period he sometimes appeared to come charged to the House with the petulance and caustic sententiousness he had imbibed at Wimbledon Common.

There is something a little caustic about his wit, and he suspects musicians on principle; but he will like you

According to the temperament of the animal, even the operation for the removal of a portion of the sole, or the injection of sinuses with caustics, may be carried out with the animal simply twitched.

'There comes a moment,' said this caustic writer, 'in the affairs of men when the new is not only eagerly accepted, but when it is confounded with the original.

The next belong to the year 1812in The Examiner (see page 116)and we then leap another seven years or so until 1819-1820, Lamb's busiest period as a caustic critic of affairsin

The Annual Review was particularly severe, and the Edinburgh caustic.

questioned Breckenridge in his caustic tone.

The piercing Caustics ply their spiteful Powr; Emetics ranch, and been Cathartics sour.

He married again, on the death of his Dutch wife, a rich widow, Mrs. Berkeley, who was his third spousehence Swift's caustic reference.

It was as follows: Thirty grammes of powdered coca, thoroughly mixed in a mortar with 8 grammes of caustic magnesia, were stirred into 200 c.c. of boiling water, and the mixture boiled for ten minutes.

of caustic magnesia in a capsule, and the mixture dried on a water-bath and powdered.

213 examples of  caustics  in sentences