25 examples of centigrade in sentences

<Grade, gress> (walk, go): (1) grade, gradual, graduate, degrade, digress, Congress, aggressive, progressive, degree; (2) gradation, Centigrade, ingress, egress, transgression, retrogression, ingredient.

(1) Cent, per cent, century, centennial; (2) centenary, centime, centurion, centimeter, centigrade.

The Arctic circular thermometer fell to within a few points from its minimum of50° Centigrade [?].

The lowest temperature we had observed on these depot excursions was -50° Centigrade.

The temperature sank considerably, and I deem it probable that the mean annual temperature which we recorded, -26° Centigrade, is the lowest mean temperature which has ever been observed.

During five months of the year we recorded temperatures below -50° Centigrade.

On the next day the temperature began to sink rapidly, and several days later the thermometer registered -55° Centigrade.

The temperature was 1° Centigrade above zero.

The mean temperature during our sojourn there was13° Centigrade.

" However, perhaps, there is no such extraordinary difficulty in the apprehension of this phenomenon, for "The Gulf Stream," on leaving the Gulf of Mexico, "has a temperature of more than 27° (centigrade), or 80-6/10 degrees of Fahrenheit."

1° Centigrade = 1-4/5 Fahr.; 5° Cent.

It must be understood that, as the freezing-point of Centigrade is Zero and of Fahrenheit 32°, these 32° must be taken into account in all calculations above freezing-point: thus +5° Cent. are equivalent to a temperature of 41° Fahr.

The unit of heat, called a calorie, or gramme-degree, is the amount of heat which is necessary to raise one gramme (15.43 grains) of water one degree centigrade (1.8 degrees Fahr.).

[units of temperature] degrees Kelvin, kelvins, degrees centigrade, degrees Celsius; degrees Fahrenheit.

Centigrade is changed to Fahrenheit by multiplying by nine-fifths and adding thirty-two.

Now it has been found by experiment that gases under uniform pressure expand 1/273 of their volume for each degree Centigrade of increased temperature, so that in passing from 0° C. to 273° C. they are doubled in volume.

This is termed the absolute zero, and so that we start reckoning from that point it does not matter whether the scale adopted is the Centigrade or that of Fahrenheit.

Let us stop in front of the famous baths of Tiflis, the thermal waters of which attain a temperature of 60 degrees centigrade.

For in the Central Asian provinces the temperature ranges between fifty degrees centigrade above zero and twenty below, and in a range of seventy degrees it is only prudent to minimize the effects.

The virtue of these cellars from the cheese-making point of view is their dryness and their scarcely varying temperature of about 8° Centigrade summer and winter.

"Three hundred centigrade, mind!" said Horrocks.

Of course this is in Centigrade and not Fahrenheit, but it is a cold from which I suffer moreit is so dampthan I ever did from the dry, sunny, below zero as you know it in the States.

Nor can it be affirmed with perfect confidence, that all forms of protoplasm are liable to undergo that peculiar coagulation at a temperature of 40°-50° Centigrade, which has been called "heat-stiffening," though Kühne's beautiful researches have proved this occurrence to take place in so many and such diverse living beings, that it is hardly rash to expect that the law holds good for all.

CELSIUS, a distinguished Swedish astronomer, born at Upsala, and professor of Astronomy there; inventor of the Centigrade thermometer (1701-1744).

Supposing this nousometer of his to be a centigrade, in what hitherto unconceived depths of cold obstruction can he find his zero-point of entire idiocy?

25 examples of  centigrade  in sentences