194 examples of centrifugals in sentences

The centrifugal force was no longer equal to the centripetal.

Before leaving this subject it will be well to quote Mr. Lowell's own words as to the supposed perfectly level surface of Mars, and his interpretation of the origin and purpose of the 'canals': "A body of planetary size, if unrotating, becomes a sphere, except for solar tidal deformation; if rotating, it takes on a spheroidal form exactly expressive, so far as observation goes, of the so-called centrifugal force at work.


What, then, is centrifugal force?

This is the sense in which the term "force" is employed in the expression "centrifugal force."

You perceive now what centrifugal force is.

1] Centrifugal force is, then, properly defined to be the disposition of a revolving body to move in a straight line, and the resistance which such a body opposes to being drawn aside from a straight line of motion.

The dynamical force, that which produces motion, is the centripetal force, drawing the body continually from the tangential direction, toward the center; and what is termed centrifugal force is merely the resistance which the body opposes to this deflection, precisely like any other resistance to a force.

But the bond which holds it to the center may be elastic, and in that case, if the centrifugal force is sufficient, the body will be drawn from the center, stretching the elastic bond.

When writers who understand the subject talk about the centripetal and centrifugal forces being different names for the same force, and about equal action and reaction, and employ other confusing expressions, just remember that all they really mean is to express the universal relation between force and resistance.

Then, assuming the absolute truth of this law of deflection, we find ourselves able to explain all the phenomena of centrifugal force, and to compute its amount correctly in all cases.

We have learned the direction and the measure of the deflection, which a revolving body continually suffers, and its resistance to which is termed centrifugal force.

SECOND.We next come to consider what are known as the laws of centrifugal force.

This exhibits the general law, that with a given angular velocity the centrifugal force varies directly as the radius or diameter of the circle.

We come now to the reason for the fourth law, that, with a given actual velocity, the centrifugal force varies inversely as the diameter of the circle.

That is the operation or action which the fourth law of centrifugal force expresses.

Therefore, the arc of 3.25° is the arc of a circle of one foot radius through which a body must revolve in 0.01 of a second of time, in order that the centripetal force, and so the centrifugal force, shall be equal to its weight.

We have now learned several things about centrifugal force.

The real nature of centrifugal force.

This brings us to a far more comprehensive definition of centrifugal force.

Practically all of Cuba's export product is in the class commonly known as 96 degree centrifugals, that is, raw sugar of 96 per cent, or thereabout, of sugar content.

This is accomplished by what are called the centrifugals, deep bowls with perforated walls, whirled at two or three thousand revolutions a minute.

Most of Cuba's raw product is classed as "96 degree centrifugals," that is, the raw sugar, as it comes from the centrifugal machines and is bagged for shipment, is of 96 degrees of sugar purity.

The mill was driven by an eighty-horse-power steam engine, and the vacuum pans and the centrifugals were of the latest types.

These prices were much lower than those of white sugar at the time; but as Valcour Aime found occasion to remark, the refining reduced the weight of the product nearly as much as it heightened the price, so that the chief advantage of the centrifugals lay in the speed of their process.

194 examples of  centrifugals  in sentences