133 examples of cept in sentences

"So I does, Miss 'Vadney," she answered simply, "I never feels comfortable 'cept when dere's a place fer de Lord," and Evadne answered, "Dear Dyce, you make me feel ashamed!" Many and varied were the guests who partook of their hospitality.

<Ceive, ceit, cept, cip, cap(t)>

Why, the winter I was over here, every man had his wife an' young 'uns on the Beach, 'cept me an' Sam'l.

Jane's nearly always hanging around Esther 'cept in school hours.

"What did I make you dat ar' flip for, 'cept you was so hoarse you oughtn' for to say a word?

Us neber did leave our folkses eben atter de War ober and de niggers git dey freedom, yit an' still a heap of de niggers did leave dey mars' and a heap of dem didn' an' us stayed on an farmed de lan' jus' like us been doin' 'cept dey gib us a contract for part de crop an' sell us our grub 'gainst us part of de crop and take dey money outen us part of de cotton in de fall just like de bizness is done yit

Chillun ain't able to help me none 'cept give me a little bread and give me some medicine once in a while.

"All my chillun dead cept one son.

I don't ask the neighbors nothin' cept to clear out this junk they left here.

He paid all cept $70.

Here I is living in my shanty, 'pendin' on my good white neighbors to feed me and no income 'cept my Old Age Pension.

"I ain't able to do no work now 'cept a little pittling here and there.

Does it say what hour; where the trouble is to come from, and who them that make the trouble will be?" "No!" replied the other, contemptuously; "how could a fellow's leg do that?" "How could it do anything 'cept help tote him around when he wanted it to?" "I've just explained, that twitching is a warningthat's all.

"Moster Milton ran the farm when he run the hotel cept I was born at the hotel and Mistress Thursday lived there then too.

You know they didn't have nothin' then 'cept what they raised.

All the offices at Edgefield nearly was Negroes cept the sheriff.

I don't know my age cept I was big enough to plow when young master lef and went to war.

She said she never was whipped 'cept once when she got a cockle berry up her nose and he got it out and gave her a little brushingnot as much as grandma would have given her.

but I didn't know much about him 'cept his name.

My wife's dead and all my children dead 'cept four.

They show is good to me 'cept I aint able to carry the wood up the steps much no more.

us 'cept dat ole drunken husband ob hern, an' he war allers too drunk ter whip hisself.

Not but what Almiry Jane had young fellers enough round her, but, 'cept ole Judge Peter, ez was lamed in the War of 1812, there ain't no similarity ez

"Ef we heppen t' git separated in any way, shape, er manner 'cept one," said he, as he slung it over his shoulder with a string, "ye'll know purty nigh where I be when ye hear thet air thing.

" "You said, 'in any way, shape, er manner 'cept one.'"

133 examples of  cept  in sentences