11 examples of cert in sentences

The Perfessor may pull us through, but it's no cert.

I'll allow he's blooded, but he thinks this a dead cert.

Dictu incredible, quantum hujusce liquorice immodesta gens capiat, plus potantem amicissimum habent, et cert coronant, inimicissimum e contra qui non vult, et caede et fustibus expiant. 1432.


We can-not go Our walk a-cross the fields; and so, Since Tom and Et-tie Holmes are come, And cous-in Fred has brought his drum, And some can sing, and o-thers play, We'll have a con-cert here to-day.

All must at-tend to Tom; and mind None play too fast, nor lag be-hind; And then, I'm sure, we all shall see How grand a con-cert this will be, And say this is the wis-est way To spend this wet Oc-to-ber day.

" "Cert; but then, you know, anything to knife Merriwell.

"It's almost a cert you get hit," he said, "even if you crawl out.

"'No, we 'aven't got shells,' whispers Spruggy, 'but I 've got some crackers; an' if you sprinkle some on the course, it's a cert.'

Don't you understand that one of the principles of our job is to back certs?" said Mr. Daily.

It all seemed so neat and clean and straightforward, and what rough chaps call a 'cert.'

11 examples of  cert  in sentences