25 examples of certifie in sentences

We wish ye go with vs for companie Unto a wise man wonning in this wood, Hight Aramanth, whose wit and skill is good, That he may certifie our mazing doubt How this straunge chaunce and chaunge hath fallen out.

This certifies that during the past thirty years spent in our Canadian wilds, I have seen several animals killed by our large timber wolves.

Lord Dredlinton's death was due to exhaustion, but the doctor certifies that he was suffering, and has been for some time, from advanced valvular disease of the heart.

In the foregoing itinerary, Pegoletti certifies the existence of the paper money which had been previously mentioned by Rubraquis, Haitho, Marco Polo, and Oderic: Some of these authors describe it as having been fabricated of cotton paper; while others remark very justly, that it was made of the bark of the paper mulberry tree.

We admit all that the goatherd certifies.

You shalbe advertisd where she remaines, And certifie us how your mother takes it: When we are married we shall live to thanke you.

When it shall please God to send you thither, you are to certifie our Nation at Tripolis of the certaine day of your landing, to the end they both may haue their house in a readinesse, and also meet you personally at your entrance to accompany you, being your selfe apparelled in the best manner.

Our guide informed us that an old man of ninety, who knew Burns, certifies, this statue to be very like the original.

But for the divinity of high courage and devotion that certifies to the image of God within man, I should have been proud to take off my old but still glossy silk hat to Albert of the Belgians.

That which certifies to the highest indemonstrable principles is a feeling, a belief, an instinct of nature: les principes se sentent.

"The undersigned, Secretary of Legation of the United States of America, certifies that Miss Marie Elizabeth Zakrzewska has exhibited to him very strong recommendations from the highest professional authorities of Prussia, as a scientific, practical, experienced accoucheuse of unusual talent and skill.

" Mr. DAVID HAWLEY, a class leader in the Methodist Episcopal Church at St. Albans, Licking county, Ohio, who moved from Kentucky to Ohio in 1831, certifies as follows: "About the year 1825, a slave had escaped for Canada, but was arrested in Hardin county.

" Mr. DAVID HAWLEY, a class leader in the Methodist Episcopal Church at St. Albans, Licking county, Ohio, who moved from Kentucky to Ohio in 1831, certifies as follows: "About the year 1825, a slave had escaped for Canada, but was arrested in Hardin county.

Under date of October 23, 1829, Reuben Harrison, surveyor, certifies that "at the request of John Cameron one of the proprietors I did survey the town of New Salem."

(Signed) CORRÉARD The Board of Health certifies, that Mr. Jean Baptiste Henry Savigny, has been employed in the character of surgeon, from the 15th of April, 1811, to the 5th of May, 1817, and that in the course of his service, both by sea and land, he has given proofs of zeal, emulation, and good conduct.

Hollywood New York coast to coast All in one amateur talent directory; stage, screen, radio, this certifies that (membership certificate)

Hollywood New York coast to coast All in one amateur talent directory; stage, screen, radio, this certifies that (membership certificate)

Right welbeloued and my assured good friends, I heartily commend me vnto you, hoping of your good healths, &c. To certifie you of my voiage, after I departed from you, time wil not permit: but the 4 of this present we arriued here, and the 10 day I with the rest were committed to prison, and about the middle of the next moneth, the Captaine wil send vs all in his ship for Goa.

You shall do well to send with all speed a messenger by land from Balsara to Aleppo, for to certifie of this mischance, although it cost thirtie or fortie crownes, for that we may be the sooner released, and I shalbe the better able to recouer this againe which is now like to be lost: I pray you make my heartie commendations, &c. from out of the prison in Ormuz, this 21 of September, 1583.

But of all the troubles that haue chanced since mine arrinal in Ormus, this bringer is able to certifie you.

And here I will passe ouer to certifie you of strange things, vntill our meeting, for it would be too long to write thereof.

The 3. 4. and 5. when wee were againe before the towne, we had other letters, that by our comming they were better vsed, and hoped to bee set at a reasonable ransome, and that they promised that one of our men should come aborde, so he would returne againe into towne, that shoulde by worde of mouth certifie vs what hope they were in, and the cause thereof, that we might the better believe it.

If it is ratified, the Governor certifies the fact to the President of the United States.

The undersigned, Secretary of the Interior, certifies, That the present document is a literal copy of the original, which is deposited in the Secretaryship under his charge; in proof of which he signs it, with the approval of the President of the Revolutionary Government in Bacoor, the 6th day of August, 1898.

Oh! pour votre contrat, je vous certifie que vous irez le signer il vous plaira, mais que ce ne sera pas chez moi.

25 examples of  certifie  in sentences