535 examples of chafe in sentences

Many of the starry snow-flowers, out of which these banners are made, fall before they are ripe, while most of those that do attain perfect development as six-rayed crystals glint and chafe against one another in their fall through the frosty air, and are broken into fragments.

655 Mid muttering prayers all sounds of torment meet, Dire clap of hands, distracted chafe of feet, While loud and dull ascends the weeping cry, Surely in other thoughts contempt may die.

Piers said then, beginning to chafe at the prospect of an indefinite period of inaction.

Sir Beverley gloried in the boy though he still flattered himself that no one suspected the fact, and still believed that his rule was a rule of stern discipline under which Piers might chafe but against which he would never openly revolt.

Which being condiscended unto by the Judge, according to the lawe of Spaine in that behalfe: in steps me the hangman all in a chafe and said unto the Judge.

Rud. Nay, doe not chafe so, Captaine.

Your Frenchman would ever chafe, sir Cutt., being thus movde.

Begin with the bridle, and see that it does not chafe or cut him, The army blind-bridle, with the bit alteration attached, is the very best bridle that can be used on either horse or mule.

Your breeching, or wheel harness, is also another very important part; see that it does not cut and chafe the animal so as to wear the hair off, or injure the skin.

"It is cognac," he said; "put a drop or two between her lips while I chafe her handsso; see, she revives," as the white lids quivered for a second, and then the pretty blue eyes opened.

When we stopped for the night he would chafe and fret at the delay; and when the morning came he was the first to wake, if he slept at all, and eager to push on.

Bright and tawny, full of fun And storm and sunlight, taking change and chance With laugh on laugh of triumphwhy, you know How they plunge, pause, chafe, chide across the rocks, And chuckle along the rapids, till they breathe And rest and pant and build some bright deep bath For happy boys to dive in, and swim up.

Then would the proud spirit no longer chafe, and manhood writhe in the unbroken chain; but, like the ox to the yoke or the horse to the harness, they might submit, without a conscious violation of their dearest and God given rights.

They are often a burden to them, particularly in hot weather, when they chafe and burn the flesh, and our Bombay friends tell us that in the summer the fountain basins, the hydrants and every other place where water can be found will be surrounded by women bathing the spots where the silver ornaments have seared the skin and cooling the metal, which is often so hot as to burn the fingers.

In the meantime the citizensat least, those who bestow much thought upon such mattersshake their heads at the load of debt Birmingham bears upon its shoulders, and chafe at the high rates.

One relic of this occurs to us as still surviving in that slang which preserves for us so many glossologic treasures,chauffer,to chafe, (in the sense of angering,)to chaff.

" "As long as you are, you will chafe.

Hotly did Verronax chafe at each hindrance.

Do they [chafe] roundly?

Long may they chafe, and long may we laugh at 'em; a couple of pure Puppies yok'd together.

Do they chafe roundly?

Long may they chafe, and long may we laugh at 'em, A couple of pure puppies yok'd together.

In place of necklace, The tendrils of a withered creeper chafe His wasted neck.

"If there is anything I chafe to see it is a strong, hearty man shirking his burdens, putting them on the shoulders of his wife, and taking life easy for himself.

All this interested and amused Walter Clifford, but still he was beginning to chafe at being kept from Miss Bartley, when one morning her servant rode over with a note.

535 examples of  chafe  in sentences