3 examples of champac in sentences

And now, as to that blossomy peach-scenteven while some floes were yet around meI was just like some fantastic mariner, who, having set out to search for Eden and the Blessed Islands, finds them, and balmy gales from their gardens come out, while he is yet afar, to meet him with their perfumes of almond and champac, cornel and jasmin and lotus.

I presently reached a glade in a thicket, about eight yards across, that had a scent of lime and orange, where the just-sufficient twilight enabled me to see some old bones, three skulls, and the edge of a tam-tam peeping from a tuft of wild corn with corn-flowers, and here and there some golden champac, and all about a profusion of musk-roses.

The lower part of Bengal, not far from Calcutta, is here described Sir William Jones states that the Brahmins believe that the blue champac flowers only in Paradise, it being yellow every where else.

3 examples of  champac  in sentences