32 examples of changeth in sentences

" "Heigho!" sighed the jester, "thy very look doth proclaim thee lover, and 'tis well, for love maketh the fool wise and the wise fool, it changeth saints into rogues and rogues into saints, it teacheth the strong man gentleness and maketh the gentle strong.

Fortune, though she smile to-day, Fickle is and will not stay, But true-love changeth never.

"The world doth change, as change it must, But true-love changeth never.

I hate, Because it changeth ever to and fro, And never standeth in one certaine state, 430 But, still unstedfast, round about doth goe Like a mill-wheele in midst of miserie, Driven with streames of wretchednesse and woe, That dying lives, and living still does dye.

The old order changeth, yielding place to new; And God fulfills Himself in many ways, Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.

This Ganza goeth by weight of Byze, and this name of Byza goeth for the accompt of the weight, and commonly a Byza of a Ganza is worth (after our accompt) halfe a ducat, litle more or lesse: and albeit that Gold and siluer is more or lesse in price, yet the Byza neuer changeth: euery Byza maketh a hundreth Ganza of weight, and so the number of the money is Byza.

In the midst of ill rumours and amazements his countenance changeth not; for he knows both whom he hath trusted, and whither death can lead him.

Lucullus made answer that the lord of the house had wit like a crane, that changeth her country with the season; he had other houses furnished, and built for that purpose, all out as commodious as this.

O Spirit of the Fatherland, O love that changeth not, Thy filial hand hath made this strand A consecrated spot; For on the wall, where roses fall, Bronze words recall his fate, A sceptre won ... when life was done, An empire gained ... too late!

And yet again, "The wickedness of a woman changeth her face.

And though the Romans who inhabited this villa could not from its windows see the sun go down in the purple west, emblematic of that which was shortly to set over Rome, they could see the glorious dawn of a new dayboding forth the dawn that was already brightening over England, even as "The old order changeth, yielding place to new";and they could see the splendours of the moon rising in the eastern sky.

" And slowly answer'd Arthur from the barge: "The old order changeth, yielding place to new, And God fulfils himself in many ways, Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.

Thus often changeth the human heart's first love.

Endymion sleeps the sleep that changeth not: And, maiden mine, I envy him his lot!

Many merchants will tell you that the word of the sinister and almost unhuman Chinaman is often as good as his bond: and it was amid palm trees and Syrian pavilions that the great utterance opened the tabernacle to him that sweareth to his hurt and changeth not.

[From Morte D'Arthur.] And slowly answered Arthur from the barge: "The old order changeth, yielding place to new, And God fulfills himself in many ways, Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.

" Romance is made of two opposites: Change, and That Which Changeth Not.

CLAUDY, CARL H. The old order changeth.

The old order changeth.

CLAUDY, CARL H. The old order changeth.

The old order changeth.

Let the party which hath a just cause take care how, by incredulity or injustice, it rendereth useless the divine succor so miraculously manifested, for God, without any change of counsel, changeth the upshot according to deserts."

Yet that really holdeth true, that whom he loveth he loveth to the end; and he is a God that changeth not; and his gifts are without repentance.

There goeth a prety Fable of the Moone: On a time she earnestly besought her mother to prouide her a garment, comely and fit for her body: how can that bee sweete daughter (quoth the mother) sith that your body neuer keepes it selfe at one staye, nor at one certaine estate, but changeth euery day in the month, nay euery houre?

no Camelion changeth his coulour as affection, nor any thing so variable a Populus Chorus Fluuius.

32 examples of  changeth  in sentences