5477 examples of characteristic in sentences

How characteristic is all that Emerson tells us of him in his "English Traits"!a book, by the way, concerning which no adequate word has yet been spoken; the best book ever written upon England, and which no brave young Englishman can read, and ever after commit either a mean or a bad action.

Now, after two years sitting by a person who never reasons, it strikes me that every other person whom I meet has been thinking hard, and his logic stands out a prominent characteristic.

" A characteristic trait in Miss Mitchell was her aversion to receiving unsolicited advice in regard to her private affairs.

Another was clearly enough a Colonial proprietor, a heavily built man of middle age, purple faced, and wearing the broad hat with uplifted brim characteristic of Virginians.

There was no mistaking the object of this singular and characteristic procession.

" Yet another characteristic detail.

" This was very characteristic of Joel Strides.

The sea itself had nothing wherewith to tempt them; they were not adventurers or colonizers; they had none of that accommodating temper as to creed, customs, and diet, which is the necessary characteristic of the sailor.

The dramatis personae of the offices of Tutt & Tutt were characteristic of the firm, none of their employeesexcept Miss Sondheim, the tumultous-haired lady stenographerand Willie, the office boy, being under forty years of age.

Aforetime the two had been intimate in the fraternal, taciturn intimacy characteristic of fat men, an attraction perhaps akin to that exerted for one another by celestial bodies of great mass, for it is a fact that stout people do gravitate toward one anotherand hang or float in placid juxtaposition, perhaps merely as a physical result of their avoirdupois.

Overhead the characteristic deep blue arch of a New York sky spread untroubled by a cloud.

It was a pretty artistic touch, the wearing of that sword, and exactly characteristic of Dawson's methods.

Let us change and adapt our laws as the shifting-conditions of the times require, but let us never abandon or weaken this fundamental and essential characteristic of our ordered liberty.

Miserable as she was, hopeless as she was, it was characteristic of her magnanimous courage that she did not long give way to womanly lamentations.

No line that she ever wrote was more thoroughly characteristic of her.

And it is equally characteristic of her that, even in her own hopeless situation, she still can cherish hope for others, and can look forward to the prospect of those whom she loves being hereafter united in freedom and happiness.

Their most prominent characteristic is a propensity for war, and their principal source of subsistence the working of their mines.

But one characteristic, more noble and worthy than any of those thus briefly cited, was the full enjoyment of the liberty of the press in the United Provinces.

Its characteristic is that it has one function, that of the study, design, and direction of the movements in fighting of a fleet or an army, and that it has nothing whatever to do with the maintenance of an army, or with its recruiting, discipline, or peace administration.

It was believed by the older generation of soldiers that any reduction of this period would compromise that cohesion of the troops which is the characteristic mark of a disciplined army.

The best poetry was written in Scotland, and this verse anticipates in some measure that love of nature which is a dominant characteristic of the last part of the eighteenth century.

Read two characteristic love sonnets by Wyatt and Surrey, P. & S., 313-319; Ward, I., 251, 257; Bronson, II., 1-4.

The formation of the name -poeta- from the vulgar Greek poetes instead of poietes as epoesen was in use among the Attic pottersis characteristic.

Another characteristic of such writers is that they always avoid a positive assertion wherever they can possibly do so, in order to leave a loophole for escape in case of need.

It was, of course, said that this change had been made in deference to newspaper criticism; and Oscar Wilde, in a characteristic letter to the St. James's Gazette, promptly repelled this calumny.

5477 examples of  characteristic  in sentences