3158 examples of charity in sentences

Did I have charity, Weel, it may be that the wife and I did our wee bit tae be helping some that was less fortunate than ourselves.

I've heard much talk, and I've done much talking myself, of charity.

You mind St. Paulwhen be spoke of Faith, Hope, Charity, and said that the greatest of these was Charity?

You mind St. Paulwhen be spoke of Faith, Hope, Charity, and said that the greatest of these was Charity?

What's charity, after a'?

That's charityreal charity.

But is it charity to do as some would do in sich a case as this?

When you talk o' charity, Mrs. Lauder and I think we know it when we see it.

And it took charity, in the hearts of those who helped, to do anything for them.

But there is an ugly ring to that word charity as too many use it the noo.

A boy like that didna want charity to care for him and tend him all his days, keeping him helpless and dependent.

Charity can never hurt a childcan only help and improve it, when help is needed.

It's not charity to sit doon and write a check, no matter what the figures upon it may be.

It's not charity, even when giving the siller is hardeven when it means doing without something yourself.

We've tried aimless charity too lang in Britain, as a nation.

We've let the men who fought for us, and were wounded, depend on charity.

"It has need to be nearer, for the night's as cold as charity.

He is generous with his money, spending lavishly on the Church, but he does not believe in what he calls indiscriminate charity.

Two sisters alone had survived this slaughter; the elder, Chrona, had taken religions vows, the other, Clotilde, was living almost in exile at Geneva, absorbed in works of piety and charity.

In the royal domains and wheresoever she went she showed abundant charity to the poor, and many ages after her death the people of those districts still spoke of Brunehaut's alms.

See S. Mateer, The Land of Charity (London, 1871), p. 208.

It is the writing of some genuine Broad-Churchman of the olden time, proclaiming the high truths of Human Brotherhood under a Divine Fatherhood, breathing that spirit of which, long after, another Jew dared say "And now abideth faith, hope and charity, but the greatest of these is charity.

It is the writing of some genuine Broad-Churchman of the olden time, proclaiming the high truths of Human Brotherhood under a Divine Fatherhood, breathing that spirit of which, long after, another Jew dared say "And now abideth faith, hope and charity, but the greatest of these is charity.

But he shed not a single tear, either during the death agony of that beloved being, when he kissed the cold face after it was dead, or when he saw them carry the body away forever; nor when he left the house in which he had been born, and found himself sheltered by charity in the house of a stranger.

What she wrote of her mother is as true of herself, "She always did what came to her in the way of duty or charity, and let pride, taste, and comfort suffer for love's sake."

3158 examples of  charity  in sentences