28845 examples of charle in sentences

The stillness and gloom of the buildingthe last rays of the sun scarcely penetrating through its windowsthe deep tones of the monks chanting the responses, which occasionally broke the silence, filled me with reverential emotions which I felt unwilling to disturb: it was necessary however to present my letter of introduction, and Frère Charle, the secrétaire, soon after came out, and received me with great civility.

The following morning the matin bell summoned me to the Convent, and Frère Charle attended me to the burial ground; here have been deposited the remains of two of the brothers, deceased since the restoration of their order in 1814.

While I was contemplating the ruins around me, and watching the motions of a venerable figure in silent prayer at one of the angles, the bell tolled, when both Frère Charle and the Monk dropped instantly on their knees.

Frère Charle said, that the whole were strictly observed, and were frequently much more severe; for the Père Abbé had instituted more austere regulations than formerly, with the only one exception, of the sick being allowed medicines; and, in cases of great debility, a small quantity of meat.

At the hour of their first repast, I again attended Frère Charle to the eating-room, where nearly the same forms were observed as at their evening-meal; a small basin of boiled cabbage, two raw carrots, and a small piece of black bread, with a jug of water, constituted their solitary meal.

Frère Charle invited me to partake of the frugal fare of his order.

Frère Charle conducted me into an apartment, in which I was gratified to observe a well executed portrait of the Abbé de Rancé, which, at the destruction of the Monastery, had been preserved by the surgeon of the ancient fraternity, who continued to reside there until the period of his death, four or five years since.

When I was about to take my leave of Frère Charle, he said, "he hoped I was pleased with my humble fare: to such as it was I had been truly welcome".

"I have this day visited the Convent of La Trappe, and in the absence of the Grand Prior, to whom I brought a letter of introduction from Monsieur Lamorelie, Sub-Prefect of Mortagne, I was received and have been entertained by Frère Charle Marie, his Secretary.

In the garden is a monument erected by the late Prince de Ligne to one of his sons, Charles by name, who was killed in the Russian service at the siege of Ismail.

He is a very agreeable author were he not so prolix; yet we English have no right to complain of this fault, since there is no novel in all Germany to compare in point of prolixity with Clarissa, Sit Charles Grandison, or Tom Jones.

The Archduke Charles has his head-quarters here at present.

[40] La Bédoyere (Charles Huchet, Comte de) distinguished himself in several of the Napoleonic wars, in particular at Ratisbonne and Borodino.

*** We are sorry to say that Mr. CHARLES HAWTREY'S latest success, The Saving Grace, is not dedicated to Sir ARTHUR YAPP.

So is Charle Bonnet, who was not afraid to stand up for orthodoxy against Voltaire; so is Mallet, who traveled as far as Lapland; and so is that man of whom his contemporaries always spoke, with the reverence of hero-worshipers, as "the illustrious de Saussure."


R90770, 15Feb52, Arthur Whitmore Smith (A) SMITH, CHARLES FREDERICK.

R95173, 22May52, Charles F. Smith (A) SMITH, EMMA PETERS.


Le bon roi Charle est plein de douleur et d'ennui; Son cheval syrien est triste comme lui.

Charle, en voyant ces tours tressaille sur les monts.

Chacun songeait, poussant du coude son voisin. Pourtant Charle, appelant Richer de Normandie: Vous êtes grand seigneur et de race hardie, Duc; ne voudrez-vous pas prendre Narbonne un peu? Empereur, je suis duc par la grâce de Dieu.

Quand on a ma duché, roi Charle, on n'en veut qu'une. L'empereur

Ces bons Flamands, dit Charle, il faut que cela mange.

Toi, que veux-tu, dit Charle, et qu'est-ce qui t'émeut? Je viens vous demander ce dont pas un ne veut, L'honneur d'être, ô mon roi, si Dieu ne m'abandonne, L'homme dont on dira: C'est lui qui prit Narbonne. L'enfant parlait ainsi d'un air de loyauté, Regardant tout le monde avec simplicité.

28845 examples of  charle  in sentences