817 examples of charley in sentences

" The conversation was taking place at the Elliotts' dinner-table, and Uncle Charley looked up from his carving to say: "It's an ill wind that blows nobody good, and the slower the mud-turtles are, the longer we shall have our guests with us.

Charley Saunders, with a trifle of awe, pretended or real, in his tone, said.

"Go on and do it, it won't take but a minute," Charley Saunders entreated.

"That ought to make it middlin' bad," Charley remarked soberly.

Charley gasped.

Charley cried with dramatic fervor.

Skinny, Bert, Chuck, Pedro, Charley, the Ramblin' Kid, even the Chink cook and Parker, quivered with excitement and curiosity behind thinly veiled pretense of fear and horror.

"DEAR CHARLEY "'I do adjure thee, by old pleasant days, Quartier Latin, and neatly-shod grisettes

Half an hour later when I left themwithout any strenuous protests on the part of eitherthey were deeply engrossed in a mutual discussion upon decorations, religion, the high cost of living, free verse, two-cent transfers, Charley Chaplin, aviation, ouija, and other equally safe topics.

"I used to drive a Charley's cab.

Things settled down when I started driving a Charley's cab and Sally cleaned houses.

He waited for Rhiannon at the bus stop nearest to Mo's, but she surprised him by getting out of a Charley's cab in front of the door.

" "Cheap or dear, John Anderson, when I saw you giving liquor to that innocent boy, I couldn't help thinking of my poor Charley.

He was so agreeable and wide awake, his uncle liked to have him for company; but it was a dear trip to my poor Charley.

In his excitement he even proposed to organize a small party to go immediately to the locality to gather nutmegs, and had an interview with Charley Curtis on the subject of furnishing pack animals for purposes of transportation.

And now, by DAN PHOEBUS!that's the DAN (ah!) that drives the Sun, you know, and is the biggest spot upon ithere we find that we have talked ourself all the way to DELMONICO'S, and there's CHARLEY on the lookout.

"Arizona Charley wins.

And Arizona Charley is tired from his work.

Arizona Charley, a tall man off a horse and walking with a limp, moved slowly about the captive, grinning at his companions.

At each shock the chin of Arizona Charley was flung down against his chest and at the same time his head snapped sideways with the uneven lurch of the horse.

Now!" Arizona Charley toppled loose-limbed from the saddle and lay twisted where he fell, but it had taken the last of Rickety's power.

" For the moment, Marianne was more keenly interested in the welfare of Arizona Charley.

"It's a speech, boys," cried Arizona Charley, supporting himself on the shoulder of a friend.

If he'd turned loose all his tricks like he done with Arizona, why most like Charley would never of had to take his turn.

A left hand like Charley White.

817 examples of  charley  in sentences