8 examples of charmion in sentences

Iras, one of her women, lay dying at her feet, and Charmion, just ready to fall, scarce able to hold up her head, was adjusting her mistress' diadem.

And when one that came in said angrily, 'Was this well done of your lady, Charmion?'

She pretended all submission; but when the ministers of Octavian came to carry her away, they found her lying dead upon her couch, attended by her faithful waiting-women, Iras and Charmion.

Death of Charmion.

Imaginary personage, who in the other world holds converse with "Charmion" upon the tragedy that has wrecked the world.

"Edgar Allen Poe, Conversation of Eiros and Charmion (1849).

Prepared by the Hispanic Foundation of the Library of Congress by (editor): Francisco Aguilera and (assistant editor): Charmion Shelby.

Prepared by the Hispanic Foundation of the Library of Congress by (editor): Francisco Aguilera and (assistant editor): Charmion Shelby.

8 examples of  charmion  in sentences