98 examples of chasses in sentences

It was rather sad, as we drove through the stately alleys of the Park of St. Cloud, with the setting sun shining through the fine old trees, to hear of all the fetes that used to take place there,and one could quite well fancy the beautiful Empress appearing at the end of one of the long avenues, followed by a brilliant suite of ladies and ecuyers,and the echoes of the cor de chasse in the distance.

I don't think the cor de chasse would awaken an echo or a regret even, so entirely has the Empire and its glories become a thing of the past.

A rendezvous de chasse was a very pretty sight.

[20] "Se levant alors, 'Non,' dit le roi, 'ce ne peut être qu'à Versailles, à cause des chasses.'"LOUIS

On opening it I found that it was neither a bible, nor a poem, nor a congurare (?), as I had anticipated, but simply a pocket memorandum-book in which his Majesty had been accustomed to note his parties de chasse, and the numbers of game he killed.

"It's two French privateers, Edie," said I, "Chasse-marries, they call them, and yon's one of our merchant ships, and they'll take her as sure as death; for the Major says they've always got heavy guns, and are as full of men as an egg is full of meat.

Verily, bon chat chasse de race.

Il n'allait jamais à la chasse sans arborer sa décorationson Blue Ribbonet exigeait que pour faire son lit les femmes de chambre eussent les mains gantées, et de gants de peau, pas de fil....

C'est aux Indes, et un Indien rend compte au gouverneur d'une partie de chasse qui a été organisée

Le serment de Daalia; la chasse au mystère, roman, par Paul d'Ivoi [pseud.]

Les chasses de Renaut; deuxième livre de contes.

Jean Richard Bloch (née Marguerite Herzog) (W); 13Aug54; R136407. BLOCH, MARGUERITE (HERZOG) Les chasses de Renaut.

La Chasse a courre.

Les chasses de Renaut; deuxième livre de contes.

Jean Richard Bloch (née Marguerite Herzog) (W); 13Aug54; R136407. BLOCH, MARGUERITE (HERZOG) Les chasses de Renaut.

La chasse à l'homme, Le roi Candaule, Le geste.

La chasse du Prince Hubertin.

Amour de la chasse.

La chasse au brochet.

Subtilites de la chasse a la becasse.

SEE Demole, Edouard. DEMOLE, EDOUARD. Subtilites de la chasse a la becasse.

We found the bold Colonel, "Rough with slaughter and red with fight," enjoying himself hugely among the jheels, and we prepared to join in the fray; but our chasse was put an end to by the discovery that the 14th, and not the 15th, was the last legal day for shooting.

So when two pedestrians, strangers, meet and politely attempt to draw aside but with misdirected chasses that leave them still confronting one another, they disengage at length and go their ways between irritation and amusement.

Ecoute, si tu me parles encore de cette impertinence-, dès que j'aurai averti monsieur Orgon de ce que tu es, je te chasse, entends-tu? ARLEQUIN.

Nous en avons les présomptions les plus fortes, et, ne fût-ce que par bienséance, il faudra bien qu'elle le chasse.

98 examples of  chasses  in sentences