7402 examples of check in sentences

The functions which in Athens were performed by the assembly were accordingly in Rome performed largely by the aristocratic senate; and for the conflicts consequently arising between the senatorial and the popular parties it was difficult to find any adequate constitutional check.

"But this I do know, that it is an ill thing to do to check the flow of a good song.

Let Leicester come: his haught heart, I am sure, Will check the kingly course we undertake.

But, cross-bow, lie down, Come on, friar's gown, Hood, cover my crown, And with a low beck Prevent a sharp check.

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Herodotus says he "was led to consider whether it were possible to check the growing power of that people.

To check rebellion,a source of constant trouble and weakness,the warlike monarchs were obliged to reconquer, imposing not only tribute and fealty, but overrunning the rebellious countries with fire and sword, and carrying away captive to distant cities a large part of the population as slaves.

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He had me up on the balcony, opened your letter, took out the check, and read the letter before even he looked at the stamped paper.

When a man gets a check in a letter and reads the letter before he looks at the check, he shows breedin'.

When a man gets a check in a letter and reads the letter before he looks at the check, he shows breedin'.

He added, however, that they (the Imperialists) had a large force of cavalry in the neighbourhood, and that they would check the exodus of the inhabitants.

It is exceedingly probable that if he had not got a little check, he might have kept us at as great a distance as possible; but, be that as it may, it is just another proof of how easy it is to manage the Chinese by a little tact and firmness.

In the streets of cities in China some deplorable objects are to be met with, as must always be the case where mendicity is a legalised institution; but I am inclined to think that the rigour with which the duties of relationship are enforced, operates as a powerful check on pauperism.

I contend that no court can, because of the nature of its being, effectively check a popular majority acting through a coordinate legislative assembly, and I submit that the precedents which I have cited prove this contention.

The rising in Vendée temporarily collapsed with the check at Châlons, and they were left literally naked unto their enemy.

Colonel Morgan, with his troop, attempted to keep the enemy in check; he fell, with thirty men; and the rest of the insurgents, at the approach of their adversaries, turned their backs and fled.

They were the strongholds by which the conquerors held in check a foreign land, settled on the soil of the surrounding population, and at feud with their neighbours; they, too, would be the first to be affected, if Hannibal should keep his word and restore to every Italian community its ancient boundaries.

To give relief to these, Hannibal turned first against his most active opponent, Marcus Marcellus; but the latter achieved under the walls of Nola no inconsiderable victory over the Phoenician army, and it was obliged to depart, without having cleared off the stain, from Campania for Arpi, in order at length to check the progress of the enemy's army in Apulia.

7402 examples of  check  in sentences