1869 examples of cheerfully in sentences

What other men are frankly too busy to do, he is supposed to be cheerfully ready to do.

"Future Mrs. BUMSTEAD," he cheerfully replies, at last, "my observation and knowledge of the women of America teach me that there never was a wife going to Indiana for a divorce, who had not at first sworn to love, as well as honor and obey, her husband.

"Oh, it'll be all right by-and-by," he said cheerfully.

" Even had the Colonel needed any keeping up to the mark, the office would have been cheerfully undertaken by O'Flynn or by Potts, for whom interest in the gustatory aspect of the occasion was wholly undimmed by the threatened absence of Mac and the "little divvle.

He takes risks cheerfully, and he never works for wages when he can go "on his own.

And Rudolph Musgrave glanced at the bath-house, turned on his heel, and presently plunged into the beech plantation, whistling cheerfully.

"That's a simple job," he said cheerfully.

coming!" said the painter, cheerfully; "and some were here before us, and some have arrived since.

"Oh, I have no fear that he will not win his way," Olympia replied, cheerfully.

"Never you mind, Laurelly," he called cheerfully.

"I think I can stand up," he said, cheerfully; "lend me your arm, Theodora.

He bade them good-bye, cheerfully, when he had finished, and turned away, but came back presently, and said good-night again, looking in their faces steadily, then took his solitary way across the hills.

" The man's face lighted up wonderfully, and in my heart I thanked the old sergeant over and over for having been thus kind to one who, having committed the worst crime possible for a soldier, stood ready to give up his life cheerfully to the end that he might atone.

" Angy opened her eyes to find the red roses cheerfully facing her from the back of the rocking-chair.

"In thy own blood, my son," cheerfully responded the old gentleman.

And he having received it very cheerfully, Echecrates, neither trembling nor changing at all in color or countenance, but, as he was wont, looking steadfastly at the man, said: "What say you of this potion, with respect to making a libation to anyone, is it lawful or not?"

Nevertheless, their passion to possess land was so strong that they cheerfully submitted to such hard conditions.

As a matter of fact it meant giving up a great deal, but to follow in the steps of Him who freely gave up all for us, she cheerfully surrendered her lovely Irish home for the dreary walls of a London hospital, where her companions were, as a rule, neither Christians in the true sense of the word, nor her equals in society.

"You can carry him, I suppose?" said the girl cheerfully.

"Do you want to enter the boot trade also?" asked Steinmetz cheerfully, in a lowered voice.

A few of First Church's younger people often went to sing at Saint Marks on special occasions, and went all the more cheerfully because of the chance it afforded to hear Brother King Officer preach.

Good-will abounds; neighbour comes cheerfully to the aid of neighbour; and life has much of the reckless gaiety, careless association, and buoyant merriment of childhood.

" Eve rose cheerfully, and led the way to the room her father's visiter had named.

Eve, for the second time in her life, placed her own light arm and beautiful hand, through the arm of Paul, discovering a bewitching but modest reliance on his worth and truth, by the very manner in which she did this simple and every-day act, while she said more cheerfully "You forget the substance of the command, at the very moment you would have me suppose you most disposed to obey it.

My apologies were soon made and cheerfully accepted.

1869 examples of  cheerfully  in sentences