395 examples of chef in sentences

The whole depends on the manner in which the name is brought out, which I value myself on, as a chef d'oeuvre.

The skilful chef-de-cuisine of the royal household covered the great marble table of the regal palace with no less than a hundred different dishes, prepared in a hundred different ways.

No porter would bestir himself to find this great official, but whichever way I turned one was always ready with his " allez-vous, Monsieur?" to which the only sensible reply would have been "Pas au , comme vous," but silence and an utter indifference were better still, and armed with these I ran the gauntlet of the pests, and finding the "Chef de Gare" in his "bureau," at once received the desired permission.

He writes:'I look upon my Letters as some of my chef-d'auvres.'

sur la sagesse qui se montre dans l'ordre d'un phénomène et on découvre que ce phénomène est tout différent de ce qu'ils ont supposé; alors c'est ce nouvel ordre qui leur paraît un chef d'oeuvre de sagesse.

It must be remarked, however, that the women's coats and surcoats often trailed on the ground; that the hatwhich was generally called a couvre-chef, and consisted of a frame of wirework covered over with stuff which was embroidered or trimmed with lacewas not of a conical shape; and, lastly, that the chaperon, which was always made with a tippet, or chausse, never turned over so as to form a cap.

We may add that the use of the couvre-chef did not continue beyond the middle of the fourteenth century, at which time women adopted the custom of wearing any kind of head-dress they chose, the hair being kept back by a silken net, or crépine, attached either to a frontlet, or to a metal fillet, or confined by a veil of very light material, called a mollequin (Fig. 420).

And when I asked her how the earls and baronets liked it, she said there were only three or four, and they had to put up with it or stay at home; she had done it now for thirty years, and they were accustomed to it; besides, she had the best chef in England, and anyway it was a nice change for people not knowing who they were going to be put next to.

Somebody else called up the Rettung chef and the doctor.

No one knew anything about him, and as he talked a language peculiar to himself, no one was ever likely to; but he was an undeniably good chef, and that was the chief consideration.

Usually whether she were alone or had guests (as she had sometimes, though "society" had never taken her up), she left everything to her Chinese head-cook, who was a worthy rival of any Parisian chef; and the beautifying of her table to the artistic Japanese youth whose one business in life was to think out new flower-combinations.

Readers of Thackeray will remember the little dinner at Timmins, when the hired chef shed such consternation in the bosom of little Mrs Timmins by his outrageous demands for 'a leg of beef, a leg of veal, and a ham', on behalf of the stock-pot.

The old-time huge joints, trussed hares, whole sucking pigs, &c., are fast vanishing from our tables, and the smart chef exerts himself to produce as many recherche and mysterious little made dishes as possible.

Had she been the chef of a princely mansion, she could not have given the subject more earnest nor intelligent consideration.

Tolati, my first husband, invented that ice, and no chef in Europe could make it but himself.

I shall dine here to-day, and I shall enjoy the meal so much better because I know the chef who prepared it.

The late Mr. Christie, the auctioneer, while selling a collection of pictures, having arrived at a chef-d'oeuvre of Wilson's, was expatiating with his usual eloquence on its merits, quite unaware that Wilson himself had just before entered the room.

Perhaps it may be said that Northwood was written some years ago, I will therefore pass from it to what at the present day appears to be considered a chef d'oeuvre among the popular style of works of which I have been speaking.

CAPITAINE, m., chef d'une troupe.

CHEF-D'OEUVRE, m., travail parfait, oeuvre capitale.

DEY, m., autrefois chef du gouvernement d'Alger.

EMPEREUR, m., chef d'un empire.

"Le prince, en se faisant moine, devenait naturellement abbé, et restait ainsi dans la vie monastique, ce qu'il avait èté dans la vie sèculière le chef de sa race et de son clan.

The citadel of Arras is very strong, and, as I am told, the chef d'oeuvre of Vauban; but placed with so little judgement, that the military call it la belle

He was a most sarcastic man, this languid ARTHUR B., And he aimed at being Chef, which JOKIM said was fiddlededee.

395 examples of  chef  in sentences