209 examples of cher in sentences

" "Precisely so, mo' cher Baron."

One of them so hit the fancy of the king and queen that they quoted it more than once in their letters to their correspondents, and Marie Antoinette even sung it occasionally to her harp: "Ne craignez pas, Cher papa, D' voir augmenter vot' famille,

From Paris he went to Blois, the capital of Loir-and-Cher, a small town about 110 miles south-west of Paris.

They wrote each other little notes, in which Lady Kirkbank called the dressmaker her cher angeher bonne chatte, her chère vielle sotteand all manner of affectionate namesand in which Seraphine occasionally threatened the lady with the dire engines of the law, if money were not forthcoming before Saturday evening.

Finally they unearthed a baby's cot in the room that Hippolyte had designed for the Croixmare menage, and de Tournelle said it was the very thing for me, but Jean replied, "Mon cher ami c'est une Bébé beaucoup trop emoustillante," which I thought very rude, just as if I snored, or something dreadful like that.

Presently he came up to us, and the young youth said before he could speak: "N'ai-je pas de la veine, mon cher, Mlle.

"I have not been misbehaving myself at all, mon cher Saint Père, as Mr. Vavasour will answer for me, during the most delightful fortnight I ever spent!"

CHER STOWE UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CHAPTER I UNCLE TOM AND LITTLE HARRY ARE SOLD Very many years ago, instead of having servants to wait upon them and work for them, people used to have slaves.

MON CHER DUJARDIN, Il se trouve que je suis à Paris en train de corriger mes épreuves au moment vous donnez les dernières retouches au manuscrit de 'La Source du Fleuve Chrétien,' un beau titresi beau que je n'ai pu m'empêcher de le 'chipper' pour le livre de Ralph Elles, un personnage de mon roman qui ne parait pas, mais dont on entend beaucoup parler.

Mais, cher ami, vous êtes Normand et peut-être bien que ce sent vos ancêtres qui out pillé mon pays; c'est une raison de plus pour que je vous offre ce roman.

à Valvins pour voir le cher bonhomme; vous penserez à votre jeunesse et peut-être un peu à la mienne.

It mustn't happen again, mon cher."

LE DISTRAIT Un homme qui était souvent distrait écrivit la lettre suivante à un de ses amis: "Mon cher ami, j'ai oublié ma canne chez vous; faites-moi le plaisir de me la rendre par le porteur de ce billet.

MON CHER JEAN JACQUES, Vous avez renoncé à

Between ourselves I may mention, mon cher cousin, that he is perfectly infatuated with my Liza.

"Vibration, mon cher monsieur," said he, "is everything.

Illusion, mon cher monsieur, yet to you very real!"

of Loire-et-Cher, France, built by Francis I.; after being long a residence for royalty and people of distinction, was presented in 1821 to the Duc de Bordeaux, the Comte de Chambord.

Not many words, mon cher, but confoundedly comprehensive!

Guichet, mon cher, I am your debtor for life.

arrête, cher Zamore!

Voltaire's empressement seems to take on, once or twice, the colours of something like a real enthusiasm; and one notices that, after two years, Frederick's letters begin no longer with 'Monsieur' but with 'Mon cher ami,' which glides at last insensibly into 'Mon cher Voltaire'; though the careful poet continues with his 'Monseigneur' throughout.

Voltaire's empressement seems to take on, once or twice, the colours of something like a real enthusiasm; and one notices that, after two years, Frederick's letters begin no longer with 'Monsieur' but with 'Mon cher ami,' which glides at last insensibly into 'Mon cher Voltaire'; though the careful poet continues with his 'Monseigneur' throughout.

Ne vous embarrassez de rien, mon cher Maupertuis

Rien ne m'est si cher que vous! ARAMINTE.

209 examples of  cher  in sentences