11 examples of chidingly in sentences

"Where are the rest?" "Now, now," said the veteran chidingly.

Vassili laughed, and shook a gold eye-glass chidingly.

At this living ruby they both stared fixedly for an instant; then Mrs. Draper came hastily into the room, saying chidingly, "Come, come, children!" and looking with displeasure at the man's darkly flushed face.

She told herself, chidingly, that she had been sort of foolish over that play and this costume.

Why, it's as plain as A B C." "Plain as the alphabet," said Mr. Stobell, almost chidingly.

"You shouldn't have kept her out so long," she said chidingly.

The hand of the señora went chidingly to the shoulder of her incorrigible daughter.

" Mr. Tiffles smiled with the consciousness of power, and chidingly said: "You are dull this morning, Markquite dull.

" "His valet, to be sure," replies the Brat, chidingly, "with his stays, and his evening wig, and the calves of his legs.

" "O, Daniel," said Aunt Katie, half chidingly, "how you do talk.

she exclaimed chidingly.

11 examples of  chidingly  in sentences