71834 examples of children in sentences

The man would run away and leave his children, and as they got old enough, they would follow him one by one.

I run after them children a long time it seemed like to me.

She don't learn her as much manners as children used to know.

"The parents don't teach the children, and the children can't amount too anything.

She say, 'If you live here and leave your little children in my yard and take my big boys and learn em to work, I will cook.

When I was born, the white folks kept the children's age, not that of their parents.

The cook that cooked up to the big house, she cooked bread and milk and sent it to the larger children for their dinner.

She fed the children that was weaned.

I ain't got nothing but some children and they ain't never been crazy enough to go to anybody's polls.

My mother just had three children: me, and my two brothers.

Jayhawkers "When my young master was gone to the War and the jayhawkers would come around, my young master's mother would take all the colored women and children and lock them up and she would take a big heavy gun and go out to meet them.

She would go and work in the field but grandmother would see after the children.

But she sure had to see after us children.

I cut logs when I was a little child like them children there (children about ten years old playing in the street).

I cut logs when I was a little child like them children there (children about ten years old playing in the street).

Evidently she dislikes the fact that one of her children ms born before emancipation.

And hired us children for our victuals and clothes.

Had nine children and all dead but two.

They had evidently been a father and his children.

Several brave fellows swam off towards the rock, but before they could reach it, a sudden rush of tide swept over, and engulfed the children amidst the fragments of wreck hurled forward in its advance.

A picture dictionary for children.

(In Children's religion, July 1940)

(In Children's religion, Mar. 1940)

Few would deny that provision by parents to provide education and opportunity for their children is commendable and desirable.

Gradually, however, the balance is regained; as the years go on, not only do children repay in affection but in many cases they repay in material ways.

71834 examples of  children  in sentences